Thu 3 Sep 2009
Where Rocking Horse People Eat Marshmallow Pies
Posted by anaglyph under Hokum, Idiots, Insane People, Skeptical Thinking, Space, Stupidity
[24] Comments

Acowlytes! I have some amazing news to bring you!
According to American astronomers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, a white dwarf star in the constellation of Centaurus, next to the Southern Cross, has been found to contain a 3000-kilometre-wide toilet into which you can throw all your money!
Well, that’s not exactly the way they put it on a site I just found called Space Diamond – I’ve just fixed it so it’s closer to the truth.
What the people at Space Diamond actually want you to believe is that the white dwarf in Centaurus contains a GIANT DIAMOND[tippy title=”*”]It actually might, believe it or not. But that’s entirely beside the point.[/tippy] and if you send them some money for a ‘Space Diamond Gift Certificate’, you will be entitled to… well… to a gift certificate. That’s right Cowpokes, these people are selling NOTHING. OK, to be accurate, the certificate promises that it is ‘good’ for ‘the first carets harvest from space’. Hahahaha! The first carets harvested from a white dwarf star that is in a constellation five light years away from our own solar system! By my calculation, even if they sent up a spaceship with accredited jewellers right now, we’d all be well and truly dead before they got back.
With this in mind, I wrote to the smiling lady at Space Diamond’s ‘Customer Service’ department. I think I’ll call her Wanda. This is a picture of her:

Dear Space Diamond,
When do you anticipate the first diamond harvest will occur? Your offer seems almost too good to be true, and I don’t want to waste my money on something that is not scientifically feasible.
Yours sincerely
Reverend Anaglyph
I expect to hear from Wanda promptly with a detailed description of Space Diamond’s near light-speed propulsion system and their strategy for the penetration of the core of a massively dense star and the excavation thereof. I’m also curious to peruse their proposal for how they plan to get several trillion tons of diamond back here, and why doing so wouldn’t immediately cause diamonds to become as worthless as gravel.
Stay tuned.
*It actually might, believe it or not. But that’s entirely beside the point.
24 Responses to “ Where Rocking Horse People Eat Marshmallow Pies ”
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[…] energy’ shell game (a scam that’s centuries old in one form or another); the Space Diamond fraudsters who promise untold wealth via implausible interstellar retrieval schemes. And the list […]
Leave to those crazy American Companies
Yer slippin a bit, Rev.
You think these fokes are gonna claim only near light-speed propulsion capability?
Malach: And those crazy American suckers who are parting with their crazy American cash.
Joey: You’re right! They have three dimensional trivector signature fractal gravity waves on their side! I shoulda remembered.
Yeah. When it comes to woo woo, in fer a penny …
Nex time you write to Wanda, Rev, tell her to take her protein pills & put her helmet on, will ya?
Where the marshamllow pies at?
Joey: I tried to call her, but her circuit’s dead, there’s something wrong…
Cissy Strutt: Same place as the tangerine trees and the marmalade skies. Maybe the plasticene porters ate ’em.
Wanda looks like a lovely girl. I’m sure she wouldn’t try to gyp you out of your hard earned cash without giving you something in return
Apparently the mission will leave at night in case the surface of the star is too hot – sounds reasonable to me.
The King
I spotted a typo in your post Rev, it should read: a white elephant star in the constellation of Centaurus.
Sorry to nitpick
The King
Willy, there are no typos or mistakes on the Reverend’s posts. Ever. We like to call that creative liberty. Now, move along…
Hmmm … Wanda IS a lovely girl …
Shes no Yuliya, mind you …
It seems the Japanese are closest to getting the diamond.
Nurse Myra: I think you might be wrong, sadly. Wanda has, quite disappointingly, failed to reply as of this morning.
King Willy & Atlas: To be accurate I believe the white elephant star is actually in the constellation of vinnie-de-paulus.
Joey: And yet I suspect Wanda and Yuliya are cut from the same cloth…
Atlas: Hahaha! So Venus ‘is a very beautiful place and it was really green’! I bet she has a filing cabinet chock-full of Space Diamond vouchers.
This is not a first. Remember the pet rock craze of the 70’s. People were shelling out serious money for a freaking regular rock.
And before anyone brings it up, I did not buy clothes for my pet rock.
They were “outfits” dammit.
Yeah, but with the Pet Rock, at least you got a rock. The only rocks in sight with this scheme are in the heads of anyone who forks out.
I hear theres a black hole at th centr o th galaxy.
Man, I wish I coud buy me a piece o that.
Dan Brown might be able to help you out with something similar…
I aint intrestd in no Brown Hole.
I believe he also mentions the Pope’s ring…
Is it one of the nine for mortal men, doomed to die?
A brown hole? … Th Popes ring? …
What is this, th Riddle o th Sphincktr?