Thu 31 May 2007
Wear Peiple Meat to Eet
Posted by anaglyph under Food & Drink, Hmmm..., Signs
[19] Comments
Does anyone else find it kinda unsettling to see signs with animals advertising the delights of consumption of their own flesh?
Consider this example. Why is the word ‘meet’ in quotation marks? What does the cow mean by this?
There’s a meat company in Sydney whose trucks feature a crude painting of a cow with a knife & fork licking her lips as she turns around to tuck into her own rump. Bizarre.
Well if The Cow doesn’t know , who will!
reverend it’s ‘mean’ to make fun of the ‘cow’
I worry about those chickens who advertise their own flesh. I sometimes feel I am in Milliways, looking out the windows at the end of the universe. I’m depressed! yrs, Marvin
Many (many) years ago now, toward the beginning of its run, the late, lamented cartoon ‘Bloom County’ featured a series where chickens were picketing Kentucky Fried Chicken. In one strip they burst into the restaurant (a word used loosely in this context). While one is yelling “murderer!” at the teenage counterboy, two more peer into one of Col.Sander’s buckets-
“Mildred?” asks one, looking at the fried chicken parts.
“Probably” replies the other, “Mildred always did have big thighs”
Evn more disturbin is th way th cow in th pitchr is leerin at its own rump-roast.
There’s a chicken sandwich chain around here that uses ads featuring cows urging people to “eat mor chikin.” This always made more sense to me, although I’m not sure why cows should be particularly poor spellers.
Still, it beats the cannibalistic, self-mutilation implications of the above.
Phoebe: If only Chick-fil-A wasn’t so expensive and actually tasted good.
I’ve become concerned about the asterix after chicken breast fillet* in your pictured banner. What’s the catch?
*not made from actual chicken
*consumption may cause hormonal imbalance
*breasts may not weigh 300 grams
Cows with Guns – – –
I just did the conversion of that steak- it’s about 10 ounces! Here in the U.S.of-A no Real Man would ever eat such a girly-man sliver of red beef. Real Steaks here begin at 40 ounces and range upward to the entire side of the cow, possibly with the hair still on.
George Bush eats three of these each day. Dik Cheney simply has the live cow brought in, along with a fork.
And when theyr in th mood fer PORK, they all roast Karl Rove wif a apple in his mouf.
Cissy Strutt: I also like the ones with chickens advertising their own eggs..
Pil: The Cow is as disturbed about it as I am.
nursemyra: I wouldn’t like to ‘meet’ that cow in a dark ‘alley’.
Archie: See my comment to Cissy Strutt. These animals all seem so happy about it too.
Colonel: *Laughing* (at both your comments. I believe you are exactly right about Dik Cheney, except for the fork).
Phoebe Fay: The slogan should surely be “Eet Mor Chikin” – I think cows spell phonetically.
jmf: I thought Chick-fil-A was surely something bizarre that you made up. Until I Searchedâ„¢ for it. It seems like cows are not the only ones with a poor grasp of linguistics.
Cissy Strutt: Predictably enough the asterisk was justified elsewhere as *With a standard beer or wine
Archie: The All Singing All Dancing version.
Joey: It’s all wun big meety feest in the witehouse.
Well Bjorn-Magne & Dana sure delighted me and made me laugh. But I am once more puzzled by a bovine with a pink and prominent udder being referred to as “he”.
Soooooo bizarre. Being from Kansas….yes, really…from Kansas, I have seen some ads like this. They have huge billboards that have cows in jewelry and make up saying “Eat Beef”. It never made sense to me. Thinking how the cow looks sort of cute with lipstick never really gave me an appetite. What does that mean? A cow with jewelry and lipstick? Someone…please tell me. Don’t get me wrong, I love to eat meat, just not meat in drag.
Up in Canada they put it just as plainly, but a little more politely.
Dorothy: Yes, ‘meat in drag’ does sound kind of… offputting… Like meat that’s pretending to be something else. Something wearing liptsick. I feel sort of… queasy. As Cissy Strutt has observed, there seem to be some worrying gender confusions among cows.
Colonel: Will God strike me down if I laughed at that?
‘meet’ is in speech marks because its a play on words with meet and meat, its a way of getting u to notice something with a double meaning
Me: Er yeah, I kinda got that.