Wed 13 Feb 2008
We’ve Hit A Gusher!
Posted by anaglyph under In The News, Politics, Science
[8] Comments
A very average artist’s impression of Titan
This from NASA this morning:
Carolina Martinez 818-354-9382
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.NEWS RELEASE: 2008-025 Feb. 13, 2008
Titan’s Surface Organics Surpass Oil Reserves on Earth
Saturn’s orange moon Titan has hundreds of times more liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth, according to new data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. The hydrocarbons rain from the sky, collecting in vast deposits that form lakes and dunes.
I bet George Bush is already cooking up some pretext on which he can invade.
We’re not going to Saturn for oil. We’re going to help an oppressed people and give them the gift of democracy. And Jesus.
Did Cassini spot the Sirens?
I bet Halliburton’ll get the contract for the pipeline.
this does not auger well….
Atlas: Of course. And if Jesus can walk on water, oil should be a cinch.
Cissy Strutt: There’ll be plenty of sirens when George W sets out there – air raid sirens!
evenstar: No doubt. I hope they send the Dikster there to supervise in person. Without a pressure suit.
nursemyra: Hahahaha! Now if you’d only said ‘This doesn’t all go well’, that would have been a smashing piece of bi-blog wit!
The north pole melts and we all rush there to plant a flag at the bottom of the ocean to claim territory….so why not race to Saturn for oil. Star Wars here we come.
A place where fuel rains from the sky! I believe they may have discovered heaven. t least for some people.
Miss Cellania: Yes indeed. Park your car outside in a rain shower and yer filled up & ready to go. Not that there are many places to actually go on Titan, unless you like methane lakes and oily rock outcrops.
Thanks for stopping by The Cow!