Sun 4 Aug 2013
Watching Europa
Posted by anaglyph under Art, In The News, Mathematics, Science, Space
[8] Comments
Over the past four years or so, I’ve been creating a major new work, which I’m pleased to say is now completely finished – aside from one further process: a production run to render it to Bluray so I can make it available to the world. To this end, I’m holding a crowdfunding campaign over at Pozible. There are some really nice rewards involved (most of them including a copy of the final Bluray itself). If this is something you think you’d like, chip in and help me make it a physical object. Also feel free to copy the link on to friends & other interested parties. All help will be greatly appreciated!
I loved ‘Watching Europa’! I became, for a short time the first cosmobiologist, in a bathysphere, under the ice of Europa, to see extraterrestial life.
This was a profound spiritual moment for me.
I am so pleased and proud to have been able to take you on that journey. Thank you TImothy.
Watching Europa sure has a damn fine logo in my humble opinion.
I agree.
90% funded.
If this project doesn’t happen, I’m taking the damn logo back… :->
I was going to ask what you thought about giving it a drop shadow. Might take the curse off it a bit, right?
You shouldn’t add a drop shadow unless you’re also going to include a gradient, a lens flare, and outline the type. That’s what a real designer would do.
Sounds like it would be an improvement.