Tetherd Cow Ahead Advisory: Geek Alert! Yabbering about pointless fun with technology follows…

My friend Simon was given, as a birthday present from his partner Kerry, some tickets for a tour of the Sydney Olympic Park on Segways. Simon was kind enough to invite a couple of us along with him this morning for some geek fun.

The Segway tour of the park consists of a brief training session and then a fairly lengthy ride (or maybe I should say ‘roll’ because it is most unlike riding) around some of the facilities and gardens.

Here is Simon getting his balance:

It really doesn’t take long to get the hang of these uncanny devices. Two motors, one in each wheel, are controlled by microprocessors which constantly calculate the centre of gravity of the rider. To go forward you simply shift your centre of gravity forward; to go back, just transfer it back. When you first climb on, there is momentary hesitation because it’s certainly not intuitive to just lean forward without thinking you’ll fall flat on your face. But it takes only a couple of minutes to get the hang of the thing and it soon feels very natural.

I expected riding on a Segway would be cool. I didn’t expect it to be quite as cool as it was. The Segways are very responsive and the motors deliver serious torque. You can roll forwards and backwards, spin in tight circles, go up and down fairly steep grades and travel mostly anywhere a person could walk (even through doorways, which we did).

It wasn’t so much a tour as a bunch of nerds tooling around on a hi-tech toy. And didn’t we love every minute of it.

I’d like to believe that the Segway was going to revolutionize personalized transport, but I have to say I think, for the moment anyway, that its appeal is generally one of the oddness of controlling a vehicle by what almost feels like mental power. Because you don’t actually do anything, except shift your weight slightly, it seems just like you’re moving by simply thinking about it. It’s a real buzz. As a two-wheeled device for efficiently and quickly traversing the city with a low environmental impact, though… well, we already have one of those. It’s called a bicycle.

One of the surprises of the morning was to discover that Simple Graphics Man, ever the intrepid adventurer, had already been there ahead of us. As we have come to expect, his experience was not uneventful…

At least he was sensible enough to wear a helmet this time.