Wed 9 Jul 2008
Toeing the Line
Posted by anaglyph under DIY, Hmmm..., Ouch, Stupidity
[8] Comments
And this little piggy went clubbing, drank one too many Lemon Ruskis, got into a punch-up with a Samoan bouncer and spent the night in the lock-up.
Wow, Violet T. has some really hairy toes!
A punch-up? With the keeper of The Spawn?! I’d hate to be that Samoan tonight.
ouchy much?
Ouch. A few months ago Ike (Amy’s 18-hand high horse) stood on three of her toes. Oddly, when she reciprocated he didn’t seem to notice.
well, nice to see you’re keeping busy :P but seriously, that looks bigtime painful and hope it heals quickly!
It is a tumor
Ah Malach with the cheery diagnosis.
Do you think it is broken?
They dont treat them anyway, just leave them to heal any old how they want.
Sara Sue: Why thank you ma’am. It took a lot of hammering to get just the right shade.
MI: The answer to your question is: Too Many.