Sun 2 Dec 2007
To All My Bloggerâ„¢ Friends
Posted by anaglyph under CowBlogTech, Grumpy Old Man, Rant, Stupidity, Web Politics
[18] Comments
UPDATE to the UPDATE: Blogger folk – here’s what you need to know to set your comments to allow links to blogs on other platforms. First, you need to log into your blog via Blogger in Draft, which is a kind of sandpit or beta Blogger that exists, supposedly, so that you can play with Blogger features before they’re actually released. What the hell is that? They implement a feature (OpenID) blog-wide on the main platform but you can only change it from the beta??? O-k-a-a-a-y… Anyways, once you’re in Blogger in Draft go to Settings->Comments and check ‘Registered Users – Includes OpenID‘
So, after spending ten minutes figuring this out, and with help from someone who was clued-in, I don’t feel quite as bad that I flew off the handle at Blogger. What kind of idiots alter their current release software to take away utility that existed previously and that can only be restored if you happen to be running the beta? And where is the notification on your Blogger Dashboard that says ‘Parts of your blog have been changed, and will not be accesssible to you unless you go and log in to another site entirely’?
I say to you again: WordPress, peeps.
UPDATE: rd5 comments that the reason this happens is due to Blogger implementing OpenID! So all you folks on Blogger, please read the comments on this post to find out how to allow other blog platforms to get active links. And I’ll just go eat a slice of Humble Pie that comes direct from the Oven of Shame set at gas mark ‘Egg on your Face’ ‡
Once upon a time, so long ago that it seems like just a bad dream, Tetherd Cow Ahead started its life on the Bloggerâ„¢ platform. All went well for a while, and indeed, I am grateful that Bloggerâ„¢ was such an easy way for me to start The Cow rolling.*
But then, not long after Bloggerâ„¢ was acquired by Googleâ„¢, things started going haywire. There was the dreaded ‘smenita’ affair that intermittently took down Bloggerâ„¢ Comments for weeks. After that, there was a several-week-long crapshoot in which nobody (including me) could tell whether or not The Cow was likely to be functioning or commentable. This was made aggravatingly worse by the fact that Bloggerâ„¢ personnel went completely incommunicado, and made no effort whatsoever to let users know what was going on, let alone apologize for the problems. Then there were numerous smaller but infinitely annoying shutdowns and faults that served to make a quick read of The Cow into an interminable chore. Again, with no explanations from Bloggerâ„¢. After weeks of frustration I’d had enough and (with surprisingly little effort) I migrated The Cow over to WordPress where I’ve maintained it with no trouble ever since.
Only now, it seems, I have cause to bitch about Bloggerâ„¢ once again.
I visit many friends who have their digs on Blogger.â„¢ Up until now, whenever I have left a comment, I have been able to enter my name as either a user from a Bloggerâ„¢ account (which I can do, since my old account is still active)†, a name & url combination (which creates a direct link on my name to the url, in most cases TCA) or post anonymously.
My preference is to leave my name linked directly to my (non-Bloggerâ„¢) blog. This means that if you want to visit my blog, you simply click on my name.
Over the last few days though, I have noticed a disturbing difference in the way that Bloggerâ„¢ allows a visitor to comment: now, instead of having the option to link my name to a url, I am only allowed a non-linkable ‘nickname’. Either that or I must have a Bloggerâ„¢ account. In other words, I can no longer leave my name as ‘reverend anaglyph’ and have it link back to Tetherd Cow Ahead.
This is a really shabby and pathetic impediment for Bloggerâ„¢ (and one must therefore assume Googleâ„¢) to have foisted on its users. It effectively says to your commenters: you cannot comment and be linked to your own blog without being a member of the Bloggerâ„¢ club. It is, in fact, antithetical to the very concept of blogging.
If you have been thinking about shifting your blog elsewhere (and I do recommend WordPress supported by your own host if you can afford it) then now is the time to do it, as a protest to this extremely Microsoftian draconian imposition. Either that, or write to Google/Blogger™™™™™ and use strong language on them.
Blogging is about interaction, not about clubs & closed doors. These kinds of ideas will bring the utility of the internet to its knees if they get a grip. Acowlytes! Protest them, and protest them strongly!
ADDENDUM: And here’s a thought: if, in the course of your wonderful philosophizing, you manage to attract new readers to your blog, and they reside on platforms external to Bloggerâ„¢ (and there are now dozens of free blogging sites) you can almost certainly kiss them goodbye as new connections in your blogging circle. Why? Because no-one will be able to follow them back to their own place to engage in the community that is set up by such a practice. Why should they visit you and engage in your show if their is no possibility of reciprocation? My best blogging buddies – indeed, nearly all my current blogging friends – came here via other people’s blogs, often on other platforms.
If you think I’m over-reacting a bit on this, go spend some time trawling around a closed community, like, oh, MySpace let’s say, and see exactly what calibre of intellectual tête-à -tête a whole lot of inbreeding gets you.
For my own part, this very problem has prevented me from engaging in the TypePad and LiveJournal communities – every time I find myself at a TypePad blog and want to strike up some banter with the writer, I am supposed to ‘Join Up’ to do so. Bollocks! They’re gated communities by any other name, desperately trying to keep out the riff-raff.
Viva la revolucion! To the guillotine with the lot of them!
‡TCA consumes and recommends The It Crowd.
*And as we all know, a rolling cow gathers no moss! (Cow rolling should not be confused with cow tipping which is a different thing altogether)
†On a technical note: I’ve hacked my Blogger site in such a way that if I do leave my Blogger name, you now never see my old blog – instead, you are whisked immediately to the proper home of TCA. I’m lucky – I know how to do these things, but it’s probably outside the capabilities of many less technically inclined bloggers.
Hey CowPokes!! Don’t Forget: the Christmas Competition is still running! Be sure to get yer entry in!
Totally agree, that is why I switched, not to mention FTP uploading sucked.
I am so glad you brought this up. I noticed the change several days ago and it’s been really pissng me off ever since
…ooops I meant pissing….
(maybe that was caused by a weird swearing fairy karma thingy)
not that I believe in karma…
or waffling on and on about nothing
Amen, Reverend! Let’s not forget the added “bonuses” one receives with Google/Blogger.
I have noticed the same thing and am also preparing a diatribe (as opposed to a monoclan) against the perpetrators of this travesty. I shall probably publish mine next Saturday as a part of my “Photo-Hunt” participation. Most PhotoHunters are Blogger users and I now cannot comment with a link on their blogs. GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Now photos are screwed up.
Thought you’d be delighted to know that someone from Belgium visited my defective “anaglyph’s meme” post after searching for *blowjob anaglyph*. Sigh.
New feature: OpenID commenting
Blogger has removed the URL field for unauthenticated comments
It’s not quite that bad. They enabled OpenID support (but right now it has to be enabled from draft blogger) so anonymous links are no longer allowed. But most Blogger users don’t keep up with that, so they don’t even know it can be enabled yet. Most people have an OpenID already through other services.
A good idea poorly explained by Blogger. Although I’m sure it won’t please everyone. I actually like it, once I found out what was going on.
br5: Thanks for that. I wondered whether there might be an option for changing the preference for Commenter permissions so I checked before I made my post. On my version of Blogger I don’t have the option to select OpenID.
I’m not sure why I see a different version of Blogger to the one your link takes me to – maybe I missed an upgrade somewhere. Although one would think that kind of thing would be automatic, the system being platform supported and all.
In principle I like the OpenID concept also. But a major change like that should have been brought to the attention of all users, I’d have thought.
FWIW any Blogger folk still reading – to rectify this situation, you need to go to Settings->Comments and check ‘Registered Users – Includes OpenID‘
Once again, thanks br5.
Hi there, just wandered over from the gymcrack (a visitor, not a patient…)
I was also concerned about this Blogger nonsense and ended up starting a Blogger blog (that just links back to my *real* WordPress blog) so I could still leave linked comments. Then I was told I’d sold my soul, etc, but what the hell. And then I saw this!
But I couldn’t find the ‘registered users – includes open ID’ option anywhere on my new Blogger blog dashboard.
Well, off to have a look around. Nice meeting you! :)
azahar: Hey, thanks for stopping by.
Yes, you are completely correct. You cannot alter the settings from the ‘standard’ Blogger. You must be running ‘Blogger in Draft’ (as I just found out – br5 actually did say that in a roundabout way – I didn’t realize that ‘draft Blogger’ is actually a significant upgrade of Blogger that exists in its own right. Why would anyone ever know that? – When you go to your Blogger dashboard, where is the HUGE sign that says ‘Parts of Your Blog Will Not Function Properly unless You activate them from Another Site Altogether?)
See my amendment to the head of this post for details on what to do.
What happms if ya use th pulldown menu that woud allow you to “sign in” using WordPress, rathr than Google / Blogger?
(P.S. While I agree that this new dvelopment aint cool, I still say that, as a 100% free service, WordPress has got a LONG ways t go bfore Id evr think o switchin.)
OOPS! I only jus noticd that that pulldown menu occurs only where anonymous coments is allowd.
Seems a lot o these changes happmd when I was … well … a shut-in — still postin, but not makin my reggalr rounds.
Playin around wif my settings, I still aint allowin ananymous coments, but there IS that pulldown menu that lets WordPressrs sign in via WordPress.
Does THAT enable you to link us to TCA?
Hiya Joey..
Just investigating OpenID. I think it will work via your setup. I’ll comment later via The JPS.
Sompm odd about that “opn ID” nitemare you dscribed ovr at JPS & th Hole. I seemd able to post a coment at JPS that involvd a straigtforward link to th Hole. No third site involvd. (See my response to your comment at th Hole.)
I agree that th third-site nonsense is intolerable. (Aint that sorta how things workd ovr at Anne Arkhams blog?) And th more I think about it, th more Id like to see Blogger be more straigtforwardly opn to “registerd users” wif all standard blog-servrs.
No, I still aint ready to import th Show ovr to WordPress — tho I think thats DEFNITELY th course I will take if / when Im ready to take th Show www. I know you aint one to place much faith in Blogger, but prhaps this is sompm that will be rectifyd in short ordr.
Always opn to whatever thougts ya got, Revrend.
Hey, Revrend, correckt me if Im wrong.
You coud leave a comment at a Blogger blog that woud involve a link direckly back to TCA, if you clickd the ‘Any open ID’ option on that pulldown menu; but then th problem woud be that your comment woud be “signd” wif your URL, and not wif yer screen name, right? Th problem is that Blogger now will not allow you to sign a comment ‘Anaglyph’ and convert that name into a link straigt back to TCA, yes?
No, that doesn’t work. If you put any URL in the ‘Any OpenID’ option, you simply get an error message saying that it is not an approved OpenID (or something). That was the first thing I tried.
As near as I can tell, there is no way to have your OpenID identity merely link through to a chosen URL. That seems logical to me, if the idea of OpenID is just to set up some kind of “identity confirmation” process. In other words, I would assume that once you have registered your ‘persona’ with OpenID then you are recognised by the OpenID system as a legitimate blogger. Your OpenID identifier should then allow you to link any URL you choose to your nickname.
What, in fact, is the point of OpenID routing you through a third party, other than to somehow visibly endorse the OpenID system for some reason?
I’ll try and read some more about it over the next few days, but as near as I can make out, the way it works is as I have already explained.
Hey, Revrend, has anything changd in this regard? As I think you probly know, I quit restricktin JPS coments to “registrd usrs only” not too long ago; and now I see that theres a Name / URL option fer postin coments. I think you can now post a coment wif a direckt link-back to TCA, yeah?