Thu 4 Oct 2012
Tits Just In
Posted by anaglyph under Competition!, Daft Advertising, Food & Drink, In The News, Sex
[37] Comments

OMG Acowlytes! German liquor company G-Spirits have announced their new line of alcoholic beverages: spirits poured over the breasts of naked models, and then rebottled for your drinking pleasure. Could there be a better example of sheer unadulterated opportunism genius?
To create the perfect taste, we let every single drop of our spirits run over the breasts of a special type of woman, a type we recognize in this liquor.
Lest you think this is some kind of marketing gag, let me assure you it’s not. How do I know? Because G-Spirits says so in their FAQ:
Is it true that the whole content of the bottle run over the breasts of the model?
G-Spirits: Yes, indeed! It´s not just a marketing gag.
And in case you are concerned about the hygienic aspects of the new G-Spirits line, rest assured – the entire process of splashing the booze across the eager models’ mammaries is ‘checked’ by ‘medical’ personnel. Oh, sorry, did I accidentally put some of those words in sarcasm quotes?
Yes, dear friends, I know your Cow Senses are tingling. What does all this add up to? A Cow Competition. With a prize. Who can possibly resist?

Thanks to Atlas (who else) for digging this one up.
Booze enhanced with silicon – it takes the taste away! A silly con indeed.
At €139.00 for a bottle of the whisky, I think I’ll just stick with my Ardbeg.
More posts like this, please! :D
…though at 140 euros, I could just rent myself a prostitute, and pour it myself!
And at least you could do your own ‘medical checking’…
Loopy fuckin’ cunts.
I’ve been drunk awhile, and after surveying the inhabitants of this specific venue at this particular moment I am confident that I am still too fucking drunk to make sense of what the fuck is transpiring. Now where’d I put that fucking bottle?
I’d a thought you’d be kinda interested in this Jane – two of your favourite things combined in one…
Three of my favorite things. I believe there are two tits there AND a bottle, lest my eyes be fuckin’ crossed.
I stand corrected.
well I stuffed that link up…
I think this comment wins…
Surreal, but it has a certain je ne sais quoi.
I think that’s the new Cow slogan.
All I can think of is that the beverage appears to have been chilled.
Yes, she does look fairly chilled out.
Can’t do the picture from work so use yer imaginations:
Winning. And… EEP. The image is frightening.
Or how about:
Hahaha. Extra points for roping in Cow Lore.
I too cannot “do the picture” but the speech bubble reads:
Also quite surreal, but it could have some resonance if she was holding a bottle of Mnorgovudkka
Cheese sandwich this, Billy.
What’s a guy gotta do around here to get a hot Australian woman to strip naked and pour Torani all over herself?
I’d say all you’d have to do is be a deft hand at Photoshop…
DANG! I think you just discovered the Higgs Bosom! I know my mass is GROWIN’!
OK, I’m callin’ this one. Winner is Timothy for the Granny joke, which I think is priceless, given the context. I’ve rendered it into pictures for you (with a little improvement of the joke – hope you don’t mind Timothy…)
If you could send me your snail mail address, Timothy, your Cow prize will be winging it’s way to you in no time. Well done all!