Fri 28 Jan 2005
The Tetherd Cow
Posted by anaglyph under Cow Matters
[7] Comments

Tasmania, Christmas 2004. A small Shakespearian moment among hundreds of acres of opium poppies. Disappointingly the tetherd cow was nowhere to be seen.
7 Responses to “ The Tetherd Cow ”
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[…] Radioactive Daughter JRaD (uninjured; imagine our relief) was driving home late one night, making her way along an unlit highway bordered by pastures. Familiar road, no traffic, no problem. Suddenly, whoa! One big problem: a stupid, humongous untetherd cow directly in her path. Wham! Beef on the grill, baby – and on the hood, the windshield, and a few other places – but alas, this was no picnic. […]
[…] Ahead has turned Three! It seems like only yesterday that a solitary cow let slip its restraints ambled off into a haze of soporific poppy fumes and an uncertain future. The truth is that it has been a […]
but why ? oh please please tell me why ?
Perhaps the cow went to the store to sell some milk?
Dear peter popoff l write to tell you that my childern are in a foster home for 7mouths and the soclal services says that am mentaly scik so l can,t take care of my childern beause l had a spiritaul problems but l wwent to see my doctor said am not mentaly scik and deperss so l dot need any madicaion but still the social services want my two kinds to be put in adlution pastor pleaes pray with me in contert so they will come home as soon as posseble beause 22nd september we are going to court at reading court for the kinds case.
I feel a little cheated myself… the FAQ mislead me!
Misled, logtar? In what way?