Thu 18 Jun 2009
The Superfluous Seatbelt
Posted by anaglyph under Simple Graphics Man
[13] Comments
The Continuing Misfortunes of Simple Graphics Man ~
#35: The Superfluous Seatbelt.
In which buckling up fails to save SGM from getting a bullet through the head.
The second SGM sighting in a row from Joey, I believe!
Superfluous? Boy, Ill say!
Who needs t buckle up jus to … yknow … stand around?
Joey: Well, it has to be said, SGM needs all the safety advice he can get – sitting, standing or even lying down.
Malach: And they say a duck’s quack has no echo!
Maybe he meant th rottn turnip, Revrend.
How come only white people hafta buckle up?
It is Melbourne so is SGM a Moran? Underbelly Colourful Racing Identity?
Joey: If only he was that observant.
Atlas: ‘Cause only the black people have guns?
hewhohears: He better check whether his house is on fire too…
You sure that is a bullet? It looks more like a nail to hang the sign up to me. Of course it could have been a nail gun, in which case I suppose it could qualify as a bullet.
Usta be a seatbelt fastend a prson TO sompm — specifickly, a seat. SGM seems t be settin a fashion trend here, wearin one as a dangd garment.
Instead o “BUCKLE UP,” maybe th sign oughtta say “STRAP ON.”
MI: You’ve gotta view these things with yer mind’s eye girl…
Joey: SGM is not bound by the laws of gravity, friction or common sense.
Minds eye had a headache this morning, sorry. Will try harder next time.
SGM probly has a worse headacke.
Many thanks for that, Reverend. Very amusing indeed.