Tue 23 Oct 2007
The Scales of Justice
Posted by anaglyph under Bizarre, Insane People, Skeptical Thinking, WooWoo
[21] Comments
WooWoo Beliefs – A TCA Educational Series: Episode #2

This is David Icke. He is a conspiracy theorist par excellence. David believes that some thousands of years ago, an alien civilization of humanoid reptiles came to our planet and colonized it, interbreeding with humans, yet craftily preserving a special lizardy bloodline that continues to this day. These ‘Reptilians’ have worked their way into positions of power and so rule our world, luckily being able to ‘shape-shift’ to human form at will in order to keep the hideous truth from the rest of us unsuspecting monkey-folk.
When they’re in private they supposedly revert to their scaly forms (undoubtedly with an exclamation of ‘Thank Mangar-kunjer-kunja! I couldn’t have stood another minute in that sweaty hairy jumpsuit!’) in which they presumably relax on a warm rock with a nice chilled glass of raw egg and a big bowl of crunchy flies.
I want you to pause and reflect for a moment. What I’ve just outlined is not some scenario for a B-Grade science fiction film* – this is a matter of actual fact as far as David Icke is concerned. And he has a labyrinthine website that is testament to his efforts to prove it. Be sure to put aside a couple of hours if you intend to visit it though, because it demonstrates about as much structural logic and coherence as David’s belief system.
One of the things you can find, if you have the tenacity, is a list of people who are really lizards. This includes: George Bush (plausible, I guess), Dick Cheney (obviously), Al Gore (look at the profile), Gordon Gecko (haha, just kiddin’) and the Queen of England and all her sons (that explains the blue blood). There is also a generous sprinkling of US politicians (of all political inclinations, lest you think Mr Icke is being partisan).
When people have suggested in David’s earshot that he might be, well, crazy, he is on record as saying ‘People would have said the same thing of Jesus’. Which of course instantly confirms his status as a loony since, as we know, comparing oneself to Jesus or Napoleon is Indicator #1 on the Bedlam Admittance Guide.
So, how, according to David Icke, are we to have any hope of ever determining who are the Lizard Overlords among us? ‘Just pray for God to reveal it to you,’ he says.
I rest my case.
*Well, actually, it is, come to think of it.
21 Responses to “ The Scales of Justice ”
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[…] grades of stupidity – like Breatharians and people who believe their anus is haunted or that lizard men rule the Earth. What these things have in common with the claims of the purveyors of Special One Drop Liquid is […]
[…] our fond memories of V had taken on the rosy glow that only nostalgia can lend. The series (which David Icke probably thought was a documentary), was, in fact, pretty damn awful. The general structure of the […]
He must die, he knows our secret!
While Ickle would have you deceived
I would hope that you’re not so naive.
A reptile dysfunction
When tied in conjunction
With religion just can’t be believed.
Then I saw her face,now I’m a believer….
Well, hell, with all of those U.S. politicians of the reptilian persuasion, what hope is there for us bunnies.
Oh, come ON!
You mean I cant donate money to th guy & have HIM send me some kinda lizard-detecktion powdr / oil / watr / …?
Malach: He doesn’t know the secret about the Bovine Masters though. That one’s really well hidden. Mwahahahahaha!
A lizard, it’s said, is a creature
Recognized by reptilian feature
But where would you stand
If one gave you its hand
Whilst proclaiming ‘I’m so pleased to meet ya!’?
Wolfman: I had that happen to me once.
Catalyst: ‘Very slight’, would be my answer. Unless the Lepine People get their act together.
Joey: What can I say? Amateurs!
I’m always fooled until they drop their tails. Then I think – ah ha!
Icke’s theory I’m thinking
He thunk whilst was drinking
Credibility shrinking
How can it be true?
And now he’s exposed
So everyone knows
That his premise proposed
Means he’s just sniffing glue.
I know a guy who believes in this crap. He will NOT fly into the Denver airport because he is convinced their underground lair is directly beneath the airport. He’s comical and sad.
Yea, well, you can make fun of me all you want, but when you get raped in Colorado by a huge lizard don’t come crying to me.
Maybe that explains the scaley patches & growths on old people? Their origins are just bursting out.
Where do you find these people??
IIRC David was a sports commentator (footy ie soccer in the UK) who famously announced his theory to the world whilst appearing on the Terry Wogan show. Terry is a talk show host, kinda crapper Michael Parkinson.
Pil and I always rather hoped that he’d done it during a game – ” and Gary Lineker scores a cracker of a goal for Tottenham using his tail – as always”. But sadly it wasn’t to be.
Wait. I know that guy.
Cissy Strutt: But I always get confused about whether that means they’re reptile people, or amphibian people. It’s a tricky call.
jmf: Everyone knows he’s sniffing glue except him.
sara sue: But their underground lair is underneath Denver Airport. You can see it on Google Maps if you only ask God to show you!
htgt: Oh believe me, there is no shortage of names on the list…
King Willy: Now if football was played monkey men against lizard men, I believe I might actually crack open a beer and watch.
Anne Arkham: You want I should put you in touch? He’s an expert in hibernation, so I hear.
being from reptiles, it would explain excema some suffer from. i wish i had a cool iguana tail like my childhood pet foose. he would whip me with it, and leave a big red welt. that would be awesome to do at work, and then be like “woops, accident, sorry!”
TMock: You are a very, very strange person.
George Bush is more simian than reptilian. Cheney I figure is some Jabba the Hut type space alien. As for the rest, he could well be right. Lord knows they’re slimy enough to live under rocks.
Does he have Ann Coulter on that list? Because she is definitely something. Although I picture her as more of a giant preying mantis.
Hmmm. His list’s a little out of date. But he does have Gale Norton on there, and she’s from Colorado, so hey, the Denver airport theory does add up! Next time I fly out of there, I’m watching for secret tunnels by the train tracks.
This is the most plausible explanation for the entire Bush Admistration I’ve yet read.
I mean, sure, it’s a bit cuckoo, but why take chances? We should probably round ’em all up and ship ’em to a camp somewhere as long as there’s any lingering doubt. Like Dik hisself says, you can’t be too careful.