Yes folks, we can reveal that after a lengthy and heated correspondence between Mr Brown and the Tetherd Cow Ahead History Department the author has acknowledged that his other book missed the mark by a country mile.

He has agreed to amend the numerous philosophical and historical errors in that previous work and tell the story the way it really happened.

In line with an agreement hammered out between TCAâ„¢ and Mr Brown’s publisher, all copies of that previous book are be taken from the shelves and replaced by even weightier volumes of The DaVinci Cow*.

What breathtaking secret does Mr Brown reveal in this new and controversial work? Well, all I can say is, that as Christmas approaches you would be well advised to note the Nativity scene and just who else was in that manger on that fateful night…

*The Cow is indebted to jedimacfan for using his considerable influence to obtain for us, at great personal risk, a sneak preview of the cover…

UPDATE: From around the globe, fragments in the puzzle that is The DaVinci Cow are already starting to come to light:

Fragment 1
Fragment 2
Fragment 3

UPDATE (2011): All the above links are now non functional. Coincidence? I’ll let you decide.