Sun 6 Sep 2009
The Mediocre Manifesto
Posted by anaglyph under Geek, Simple Graphics Man, Technology
[6] Comments

The Continuing Misfortunes of Simple Graphics Man ~
#36: The Mediocre Manifesto.
Simple Graphics Man gets called on to tout Microsoft’s new corporate slogan.
Thanks again to Atlas for this latest SGM sighting.
I’m just relieved that someone is finally trying to save SGM from his recklessly dangerous lifestyle.
sounds like one of renalfailure’s “precious encouragements”….
That boys gonna hurt himself
Sounds like a few politicians I know need this sign in their office.
How can you over-reach when you have a huge circular red guardrail to keep you from falling?
Pil: Working for Microsoft has its own set of perils.
Nurse Myra: Not an ‘encouragement’ so much as a call to mediocrity.
Malach: You just figured that out?
MI: Quite a few politicians I know already have it.
Colonel: It’s there just in case you get too ambitious.