Thu 20 Jan 2011
The Inconvenient Inferno
Posted by anaglyph under Simple Graphics Man
[9] Comments

The Continuing Misfortunes of Simple Graphics Man ~
#41: The Inconvenient Inferno.
In which we find Simple Graphics Man playing with fire AGAIN. Could this be the end of his life-long dream to appear on Dancing with the Stars?
Yet another SGM found & photographed by Atlas. Thanks cowmpadre!
Only one half of him is flammable. The other half is inflammable.
But which half is which?
“Could this be the end of his life-long dream to appear on Dancing with the Stars?”
You know, I reckon he’s still doing the hokey pokey behind those flames.
That’s what it’s all about!
Ja, das Hokey Pokey.
That’s Hot
That’s lame.
Isn’t it showing that the ‘vapors’ have already sent him to burn in the fires of Hell?
That’s what happens when you indulge in recreational vapour sniffing, and you give credence to the concept of Hell. Makes perfect sense.
The King
He came prepared – with fireproof mittens. Unfortunately he went in feet first…