Fri 28 Dec 2012
The Hidden Holes
Posted by anaglyph under Simple Graphics Man
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The Continuing Misfortunes of Simple Graphics Man ~
#42: The Hidden Holes.
It’s been a while since we’ve heard from SGM, but true to form, he pops up once more as we cruise into the holiday season to remind us that things are often not what they appear to be on the surface.
So in the pool, as in life, hang on fast to your lilos Dear Friends, and remember to keep New Year’s Day available for poemin’
This edition of the Saga of SGM comes to us from Wolfman in NZ. Thanks buddy!
No better time for a deep hole than January 1st.
I discovered a while back that I had my four year old son convinced that if he went out too far in the surf the undertoad would grab him. This sign captures the essence most elegantly… could be more frog-like tho.