Cover of an LP discovered in a box of records in an auction house.

Now, I can accept that Love might be a violin or a string quartet, a sultry sax maybe, a sad country guitar, a sassy-but-suave cocktail piano or even at a long and ungainly stretch, a musical saw. But I’m afraid that for me, a piano accordion just does not cut the mustard.

The makers of this record might conceivably have pulled off a kind of tongue-in-cheek kitsch with this idea, but unless they are of a scale of genius that few reach, we are observing here one of the great tragedies of The Vinyl Age.

Here at The Cow we pride ourselves in bringing to light memories that history has tried hard to bury.

Other instruments that Love is not:

¬♥:A tuba
¬♥:An Andean nose flute
¬♥:A Fire Organ
¬♥:A banjo