Mon 5 Apr 2010
The Easter Message
Posted by anaglyph under Religion, The Baffling Bible
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The Adventures of Pocket Jesus
Episode 4: Eggs is Eggs
*Boy, I really hope these are going to hatch into dinosaurs so I can ride ’em!
(Eggs and rabbits are virtually non-existent in the Bible. Eggs are mentioned only six times and rabbits only twice. Chocolate is not mentioned at all.)
The font used in The Adventures of Pocket Jesus (aram44.ttf) features genuine Aramaic characters and is used with permission of Mr. G. S. Dykes. What Jesus is saying may or may not make sense. Just like in the Bible.
Damn, I’m gonna have to speak to dad about that golden goose, it’s kinda upstaging me!
The King
hmmm, one for The Rev, one for Violet Towne, one for Vermillion, one for Viridian, one for The Spawn… and one FOR ME!
Hell, if they hatch into emus I’ll ride ’em anyway.
Jesus: (translation)God! I had the strangest dream. I dreamt I was laying egg…..WTF!!
Well, it makes as much sense as a rabbit laying eggs. Personally, I think if you could ask an ancient Roman kid about chocolate, he’d say “don’t like it!! tastes like rabbit shit!”
King Willy: Better to be upstage by a goose than goosed by someone upstage of you.
Queen Willy: Don’t worry, you won’t miss out. Pocket Jesus can use his Miracle Powers to make enough eggs to feed a multitude!
Cissy Strutt: I don’t recall any emus in the Easter message either…
Timothy: And if you’d asked an ancient Mayan about Jesus he’d have probably said “Out with his heart!”
No Malach comment on this post. Your blogging talent must be slipping.