Malach: Maybe ‘Number of Thetans Cleared’ or ‘Total Voltage Used by E-Meters (kW)’
Colonel: Damned if you do, damned if you don’t!
Jam: Hmmm. I’m not geting yer logic there young fella. Surely the higher the number, the better you feel? It’s all about superiority just like the stupid ‘Go To Hell’ counter that it’s modelled on.
sara sue: I love to tinker. Especially when it’s subversive tinkering.
Phoebe Fay: I suspect you’re right – I used the very same Java counter that the Living Waters site uses (a simple minutes & seconds tally). Gosh, it’s not calculating the number of people going to hell after all! It’s just a piece of computer code based on science that ticks over little predictable digital increments. Funny how mundane it all seems when you know that.
archshrk: Really? You find my call to increased education and improved critical thinking to be on a par with cheesy Christian Evangelist proselytising and blatant fear-mongering? I am disappointed.
I might make one that counts off the years until Xenu’s return or something like that
Now, now, I don’t think you’re taking this damned/undamned thing very seriously…
When I refresh the page the counter resets. This makes the Stupid Number seem lower and somehow helps me feel better about myself.
A simple yet sleazy way to increase your page hit count. I like it!
Malach: Maybe ‘Number of Thetans Cleared’ or ‘Total Voltage Used by E-Meters (kW)’
Colonel: Damned if you do, damned if you don’t!
Jam: Hmmm. I’m not geting yer logic there young fella. Surely the higher the number, the better you feel? It’s all about superiority just like the stupid ‘Go To Hell’ counter that it’s modelled on.
Beautiful work! Way to tinker to perfection.
Wonderful improvement!
But I suspect the rate of dumbth is actually much faster than your counter.
Sadly, I find both versions a little unsettling. I think I must do some tinkering of my own…
sara sue: I love to tinker. Especially when it’s subversive tinkering.
Phoebe Fay: I suspect you’re right – I used the very same Java counter that the Living Waters site uses (a simple minutes & seconds tally). Gosh, it’s not calculating the number of people going to hell after all! It’s just a piece of computer code based on science that ticks over little predictable digital increments. Funny how mundane it all seems when you know that.
archshrk: Really? You find my call to increased education and improved critical thinking to be on a par with cheesy Christian Evangelist proselytising and blatant fear-mongering? I am disappointed.
Well, when you put it that way…