Mon 12 Sep 2005
The Bolt from the Blue
Posted by anaglyph under Simple Graphics Man
[2] Comments
The Further Misfortunes of Simple Graphics Man ~
#6: The Bolt from the Blue (in which SGM is once again struck down by forces of an electrical nature)
[thanks Bronni – The Cow spreads its beneficence upon you]
Ouch. And maybe I’m biased, but when I associate the words Cow and spreading… well. I *do* live near a town famous for the creation and packaging of Black Kow, a major player in the fertilizer realm.
And the Word Verification string I’m supposed to type? “fuqzhup.” Ah, Randomness.
I am but a conduit for The Cow. If The Cow chooses to spread beneficence, then who am I to quibble. Plus, it’s good for the soil.