Fri 25 Feb 2011
Tell Aura I Love Her…
Posted by anaglyph under Gadgets, Hokum, Idiots, Scary, Skeptical Thinking, Stupidity, WooWoo
[31] Comments
Acowlytes! Atlas has sent me some astonishing new evidence that demonstrates beyond all reasonable doubt that Shoo!TAG actually works! Yes, yes – I realise that after all my previous skepticism on this topic this about-face will seem completely unexpected, but… you see… Oh dammit, words can’t really do the job. I’ll hand over to the following YouTube presentation to do the explaining:
So, you see, putting it in scientific terms, there’s this, like, blurry light, that, like, makes a sort of glow all around the person and, like, all around the Shoo!TAG and it’s AMAZING! And when the Shoo!TAG gets close to the person, it’s all, like, glowy and yellow and white and stuff. Freakin’ awesome! That proves that there’s auras around Shoo!TAG! And those auras prove that Shoo!TAG keeps insect pests away from your pets! OMG! If that doesn’t convince you close-minded skeptics, well, I don’t know WHAT would!
What’s that you say? Some double blind scientific trials would be more convincing? Than an aura movie? Oh, come ON! Aura movies are the bomb. Why, I have a snap here that PROVES that Tetherd Cow Ahead HQ is haunted:
Pretty definitive, right?
The Shoo!TAG aura movie comes to the world courtesy of a product called WinAura, and although that sounds like the outcome of a psychic chocolate wheel, ((I wanted to put a link to an explanation of what a chocolate wheel is, for all the non-Australians, and it seems there is no actual definition available on teh internets. That’s amazing. So, for your enlightenment, let me inform you that a chocolate wheel is a kind of spinning wheel that is common at fétes and church fairs in Australia and New Zealand. It has numbers around its face, and participants are able to buy a ticket that is attached to a number. The numbers correspond randomly to prizes. When all the tickets have been sold, the wheel is spun (sometimes once, or sometimes three times), and when it stops on a number, the owner of that ticket collects their prize. Of course, most prizes are worth less than the price of the ticket, and there are usually only one or two decent prizes.)) it is in fact a gadget that supposedly captures movies of your aura. If you are so inclined, you can visit the home of WinAura and find out all about machines that photograph your aura. Or, you could just stay here and I could save you from wasting precious minutes of your life by telling you that these shonky devices merely use coloured LEDs, software algorithms and blurred overexposure to trick very gullible people into believing that what they see has some kind of mystical explanation. For an exorbitant price, naturally. ((I defy anyone to be able to find, anywhere on the AuraPhoto site, an indication of how much you’re going to be out of pocket for one of these things. I reckon you can infer from this page that they’re not cheap.))
On the other hand, if you did go to the AuraPhoto site, you could visit the What Color Is Your Aura page and get something just as useful as the results from an Aura Camera without spending a penny. That’s what I did! Here is a picture of my aura:

According to my aura reading I have a lot of lavender in my chakras (or something). Evidently I have some in my Third Eye as well, which does help explain why I was having trouble seeing out of it. The interpretation of my results says, in part:
Others are instantly attracted to you as you sparkle and glow with a mysterious inner light. You also seem to be a magical, fairylike creature, born of another world.
You’d rather talk about miracles, magic, and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow than anything ordinary or mundane. You want to share your miraculous visions with others. The beautiful world of fantasy, art, and the imagination is where you feel safest and happiest. You create a magical environment for yourself and others in which to live.
How accurate is that?!!! I think everyone would totally agree that I truly am a sparkly glowing fairylike creature who attracts admirers like a roo light attracts Christmas beetles. And there can be no dispute whatsoever that my my magical playground, filled with fantasy and art, is nothing other than the Realm of the Tetherd Cow! (I feel I should also point out that the lavender colours go extremely well with the TCA colour scheme).
As far as I can see, though, it doesn’t matter what colour your aura is on the AuraPhoto site, it’s impossible to come away with a reading that says anything that could be construed to be negative. Such as, for instance:
You’re a duplicitous and morally compromised swindler who is quite prepared to sell rigged computer software and tweaked camera hardware to credulous nitwits in exchange for exorbitant amounts of cash.
If we had a picture of that person’s aura, I imagine there’d be a lot of Dead Salmon and Cat Breath in their chakras. And probably a pronounced squint in their Third Eye.
31 Responses to “ Tell Aura I Love Her… ”
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Aww C’mon!! SHE-IT!! I’m not anonymous I’m Timothy on a different computer.
This is incredibly lame, bit I’m sure tht smewhere they is bleevin’ (sorry my aura is reflecting on the screen) Say the deep south or Cape Bretton Island
It’s OK, Timothy. Here at Tetherd Cow Ahead, all our security is now managed by the new CowRealAuraProtection™ software, which will automatically identify and admit Acowlytes to the site by analyzing their auras.
So, thought you name might have been omitted, we do know it’s you.
(You might like to get your chakras readjusted by the way – it appears that your chakras, like your mind, are a little closed. Here is a handy test you might like to take).
I have an over-active Root.
So do you claim then that our favourite ‘black tar-like substance’ can be made to glow like a jewel in the firmament?
Can the aura extend to the olfactory realm as well?
It truly is a miracle, I feel myself becoming an ethereal piece of ionised gas, it’ssss… h.rd…To..Onnec…wth….teh….eartly….realm…..$#!!@#%&*…..
Reading your post my wife reminded me that Shoo!TAG is now touting a field test by Texas A&M University. Figured I would pass that bit along.
Oh… I hadn’t heard that. Let me do a bit of investigating…
New claim on ShooTag’s site:
‘Texas A&M University monitors Field Trial
74% reduction in mosquito bites with shoo!TAG!’
Independent test observer Rainer Fink’s conclusion (after making some subjective comments that he merely thought the tests looked ‘promising’):
‘…… it must be noted that the size of the study conducted was insufficient to evaluate the statistical significance of the results.’
…and, again later in the report:
… the scale of the test was insufficient to establish the efficacy of Shoo!TAG performance to be supported by statistical data analysis.’
So, the ShooTAG people, in their typical fashion, have translated an observer’s statement that the experimental sample was too small to get any meaningful data into a boast that the experiment showed 74% reduction in mosquito bites. Incredible.
How they even got the 74% figure is completely mystifying as the tabulated results show absolutely nothing of the sort!
A further post is in order!
Hmm. And I wonder if Texas A&M University knows that ShooTag is using the University’s reputation to endorse their product (‘A Texas A&M University field study’ shows…) when, in fact, the University has had nothing whatsoever to do with this process. What in fact has happened is that ShooTag has merely aquired an endorsement in the form of an ‘independent observation’ from a Texas A&M University employee on a University letterhead.
Do you think I should ask Texas A&M about this study?
Waste not a minute!
The King
Hmm. Seems there might be a whole cadre of loonies at Texas A&M. Need to investigate further.
Cadre of loonies. It’s Texas, after all.
Your aura isn’t lavender at all. It’s black as pitch.
No wonder you’re one of these negative, carping atheists who are trying to take all hope and niceness from the world.
Get yourself to a healer right now and scrub that aura at least to dove grey. You’re robbing Gaia of her nourishment. And that unbalances the whole planet!
Birds aren’t flying, dolphins aren’t jumping, pandas aren’t mating, suns aren’t shining, flowers aren’t blooming, and it’s all your fault!
Yeah and the sun has gone down here as well… That’s not good.
The King
I prefer my internet vids to be Oral Images, but that just me
Does anyone know what Malach is talking about? Anyone?
I think it means that Malach sucks, Reverend.
Regarding Shoo!TAG™, I’ve some doubt;
But the jury, for now, is still out.
Let’s see what they say
At the JREF someday —
March 7th, perhaps thereabout.
As your humble and reverend host
Well, you know that I don’t like to boast
But come one and come all
To the Skeptical Ball!
On March 7th, teh Shoo!TAG is toast.
A skeptic does not have a use
For Shoo!TAGâ„¢ and their pet abuse.
The “science” is dense
And makes even less sense
Than stuff written by Doctor Seuss.
As a bane to the miniscule pest,
Dr. Seuss put Shoo!TAG™ to the test.
He put two or three
‘Round his books, for to see
If the Whos down in Whoville protest.
The standard for knowledge is so
Demanding, exact, and thorough.
Relax it a bit,
And then there’s more shit
You’re suddenly able to know.
Hahahahahaha! That is VERY good!
Perhaps it’s time to open the Atlanski Zazzle store.
Been reading the Shoo stuff for over an hour now (came in from JREF.) What an amazing joke they are. And the whole Kookaburra thing? Get real!
The sheer mental illness it would take to be them baffles me. People will die because of this fraud. Shouldn’t they be put out of business?
Oh, and did you ever get an IP on Kookaburra? Was it masked?
Hi there Brian, welcome to The Cow!
I’m not so sure these people are mentally ill so much, just greedy and ignorant. And petty. I think that maybe once upon a time they believed their gadget worked, but they must surely know by now that it doesn’t. And just the way they maintain a constant subterfuge in their manner indicates that they are at least a little aware that what they’re selling isn’t entirely above board. As I’ve said in the past, honest people selling honest products simply don’t behave like the ShooTaggers behave.
I know where Kookaburra comes from – a place in Texas only a few miles from where the ShooTag headquarters are based. These folks are not very net-savvy.
Nethead said it best – Happy zombie Jesus Day.
I took the kids to a thing yesterday, which turned out to be a bit more evangelical than we were led to believe (was just supposed to be about hunting for pagan eggs, but these things happen.)
This very nice lady, a minister at the church that sponsored it (apparently, though there was certainly no mention of them in the whole “egg” thing,) came by and tried to convert us… It was awkward, mostly because she was so sweet and sincere, and I didn’t want to upset her.
But I realized something… She assumed our departure from faith was because of a bad experience. We didn’t have a bad experience. We had no experience at all, which led to doubt.
We agreed that of all the thousands (millions?) of absurd, ridiculous gods out there, less than two of them are real. We made it to 99.999% agreement, but she said there was ONE, while I suggested there might be one fewer (from Dawkins, naturally.)
But here’s the real revelation… The one thing we agreed on was that every answer you could ever want could be found in the Bible. That’s where I found my answer, and she did too. I must have studied different passages though (wholesale murder of babies, wild inconsistencies, endorsement of slavery, offerings to absolve the sin of menstruation,) because the answer I came up with was that this “good book” is actually a pretty terrible book.
It may be a best seller, but so was “A Million Little Pieces,” and we know James Frye was full of something… he’d call it inspiration, but Oprah suggested (rightly) it was BULLSHAZ.
Yes, studying the Bible, I’ve realized, is the only way to truly understand (the Christian) god… My failure to gloss over all the horrors, perhaps, led me to my conclusion.
Didn’t help she told us that Mount Ararat has the still-existing remains of Noah’s Ark, which it most certainly does not.