Mon 24 Aug 2009
Sure. If the Pigs are Flying…
Posted by anaglyph under Hokum, Idiots, In The News, Insane People, Religion, Skeptical Thinking, WooWoo
[10] Comments

The BBC reports that:
A group of rabbis and Jewish mystics have taken to the skies over Israel, praying and blowing ceremonial trumpets to ward off swine flu.
OK. Someone remind me again which century we’re living in. Oh that’s right! The one after the one when they invented powered flight.
The article goes on to say:
The flu is often referred to as H1N1 in Israel, where pigs are seen as unclean.
Well duh! If the little porkers had washed their hands after visiting the piggy bathroom they wouldn’t have gotten the flu in the first place.
Thanks to Kirke for bringing it to the attention of The Cow
Pigs fly over the Gimcrack all day long
My friend lives in an apartment building in Brooklyn, NY, which houses many Hasidic Jews. We cooked bacon in the mornings, and they reported us to the landlord.
Trumpets? In an airplane? I’m hoping someone videos this for YouTube.
God’s chosen people…
The King
Don’t they know that the Bible says blowing trumpets in Israel signals the END OF THE WORLD?
What the fuck, Rabbis!
Casey: Yea, but what does the bible say about Israeli airspace?
Nurse Myra: You need some Rabbis!
Atlas: The smell of frying bacon is a demon too difficult for anyone to resist.
Colonel: There’s a video on the BBC site I linked. You should watch it. It is at once hilarious and highly disturbing.
King Willy: Yeah. You gotta wonder if God makes his choices by throwing dice.
Casey: Well.. after all, that’s kinda what all these bozos want, isn’t it. I wish God would just Rapture the fucking lot of them and let us get on with living.
Atlas: Maybe the end of the world will happen in airspace but not on the ground. That would make for an interesting phenomenon.
They have a vaccine you can take to protect yourself against Rabbis.
I wonder if you can vaccinate yourself against bad spelling?
Ask Malach.