Wed 6 May 2009
Strange… I’ve Seen That Face Before…
Posted by anaglyph under CowBlogTech
[20] Comments
By way of explanation…
John A Karr asked in the last post’s Comments:
… where this weird icon thingee come from beside my posts? Deviltry!
Have no fear John! It is not the Devil at work at all! I’ve enabled Gravatars (Globally Recognized Avatars) on my commenting to allow you all to affix little images to your names – you’ve no doubt seen them at work on other blogs. I like the little pictures attached to people’s names. I think they make the threading and comment flow a lot easier to follow, and they also add a bit of character to the conversation.*
Anybody can make a Gravatar – just go here and you will get all the info you need. A Gravatar is attached to an email address, so once you have one, it will be used on any and all Gravatar enabled sites where you comment.
If you don’t have a Gravatar, however, here on The Cow you will be assigned a Wavatar, and that is the little face about which John is asking. Wavatars are designed by Shamus Young at Twenty Sided, and are very clever. Based on the information in the email address you use to comment, Shamus’ Wavatar code ‘rolls’ you a unique Wavatar that will consistently appear wherever you use that email address (on Wavatar enabled sites, obviously). Shamus calculates that there are 55 billion possibilities for unique Wavatars, so the likelihood that your Wavatar will look like someone else’s is vanishingly small.
I don’t mind how you choose to proceed on The Cow – I like the Wavatars a lot because they seem quite amusing, but feel free to create and use a Gravatar if you prefer. If you choose to comment anonymously, then no image is assigned at all.
This has been a Tetherd Cow Ahead Public Service Announcement.
*And I intensely dislike the embedded ‘Reply’ function that’s popped up on many platforms recently – in my opinion it encourages people to read only their comments and the replies to their comments, which I feel is contrary to the blogging community spirit.
I won’t be taken in by you Satanistic Avatatrs! Help me Jeebus!
Yer criticism, Revrend, o th embedded ‘Reply’ funcktion is well-takn. Th main thing thats bothrd me about it is that it “camoflages” th chronology o th coments-sequence — which, as I think about it, is probly what cntributes to th negative effeckt you mentiond. I think itd be less “dstrucktive” if it were sompm that coud be usd ONLY by th blog-ownr, and not by all comentrs. But, all things cnsiderd, I think th “magick” of comments-sequences like those on th Rasputin posts testifys loud & clear to th superiority of a straigtforward chronologickle sequence.
But this Gravatar busness … well … it sure is gona make it tough to … What I mean t say is, theres a certain kind o shtick that … ummm …
Its jus gonna be hard to do certain things. Watch. Ill show ya.
See? You wernt foold fer a seckon!
(Au contraire, mon frère! It is but the work of moments to impersonate anyone you want, if you know how…)
…but back to me.
In regard to the comment progression, I feel strongly that blogging is more than just a one way interaction with me and each of my readers. In fact, many of the very best things that have arisen in Cowdom are the result of the ensemble (the ‘show’ as you have so astutely observed).
So I will not activate the ‘Reply’ function here. If Cow readers can’t be bothered taking part in the conversation, then they will be banished into a cardboard box in the corner with Malach for company.
Right you are, Revrend! Coments are as much prformance as posts are. And no shtick is as enjoyable as cooprative / collabrative shtick. I like pokin my shtick inta othr peoples busness. We shoud all be … ummm … intrpenetratin.
Wait a second. I think I’m being made fun of here… Whoa, was that a thought? No wonder my head hurts.
Luckily for me, I can find my way out of a cardboard box…..
Curse you, Devil-Man. I had many things to do with my time this morning, but no, I had to gravatate myself.
Though I was enjoying my wavatar …
RebTurtle: There can only be one idiot per village!
JaneCissy: That’s what teh internets are for – stopping you from ‘doing things’!God I can’t find my crown, the scepter’s in for repair, guess I’ll just be a green monster for a while…
The King
Well, I blush at the attention, and my ignorance of blogging custom. Deviltry, no. Cyber-voodoo, yes!
“there are 55 billion possibilities for unique Wavatars” … kind of like your own snowflake that follows you around, based on some algorithim dude came up with.
I like Malach and Anaglyph’s, and always had a thing for Mrs. Jetson, but not sure my wavatar is the real me.
Little star-dude with a unibrow. Please. Why am I looking upward?
This one from my alter-ego email. One toothed Pentagon, or home plate. Again with a unibrow. Need to trim that thing.
This one from my alter-ego email.
oops. excuse the dup there, rev.
I think the addition of Cowvatarsâ„¢ is needed instead of Wavatars.
King Willy: I think I know just the thing for you…
J.A.K.: Well, as I said, you need not be restrained by the monobrow – you can always create one of your own. You don’t even need a place to park images with Gravatar – it will swipe one from somewhere off the web for you…
Atlas: Hmm. Interesting idea. I wonder if you’d all like what kind of Cowvatar I selected for you…?
Hrrrah. Can you see the real me, me, me …?
Ooo. Scary.