Fri 22 Jun 2007
Sticks and Stones
Posted by anaglyph under Australiana, In The News
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In breaking news, the Australian Defence Force yesterday revealed that Australian Navy personnel were compelled to confront and repel members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in an altercation in the Persian Gulf in 2004.
The incident took place as the Aussies were investigating a grounded cargo vessel. Commodore Steve Gilbert revealed that the trouble began when the Iranians made some ‘very overt gestures’ and attempted to capture the Australian sailors.
Things could have turned very ugly, but then, according to the BBC, the armed Iranians smartly withdrew after the Australians demonstrated their military superiority by brandishing their machine guns and using some ‘highly colourful language’.
Thus, the shroud of secrecy surrounding the Australian Armed Forces’ most devastating new weapon is whisked aside for the world to see.
North Korea might be developing the Bomb; Iran may have chemical weapons; any number of contenders might be tooling up containers of anthrax and smallpox, but hear this n00bs: you are NO match for us Aussies when it comes to calling a spade a fucking shovel.
I like the phrase in the article “a robust attitude”. Now we can all tell our boss to fuck off robustly, and know it’s the Australian way.
It’s a great image isn’t it: the Iranians making overt gestures, and the Aussies robustly employing colourful language in return. War is hell.
Got’s to love them Military secrets
I will actually be doing the job those British sailors were doing, and what it sounds like these guys were doing, and I got to say I’ll be brushing up on the foulness.
Just remember Case, if you need any tips The Cow is here for you.
It seems to me that if these were American sailors standing up the Iranians you’d be going upon about their courage and tenacity; no these are only Australians so you mock them and deride them. “Australia’s not so secret weapon is that they are a nation of warriors not something to be mocked. Sham on you!
Hello William, and thanks for dropping by The Cow. Tell me, William, old son, have you ever heard of the term irony? How about sarcasm? Parody?
As I thought.
You’re right. What’s the use of having an opinion. Why my country even bothers with you lot escapes me.
Good afternoon
William you burke. I AM an Australian! It’s a joke. I’m taking the piss.
Here I am trying to show the world how laconic and droll we are and you go wrecking the image in one fell swoop. Sheesh.
(Non-Australian readers: please ignore that aberration. It is an unfortunate truth that some Australians lack a sense of humour. How that can possibly be in a country run by John Howard is hard to fathom, but there you have it).
My favourite Australian sailor story involves some initiation rites and sump oil – but we’d better not go there!
Leaving aside why Australian soldiers are in the Persian Gulf (unlike the Iranians, who, um, live there) it did make me proud to think of Our Men up on deck calling the opposing forces burkes (among other robust terms).
I’m glad someone understands my wit.
Makes more sense than calling them ‘burkhas’
In the military they call it “highly colourful language” + a robust exchange but lets bloody well face it; everyone knows the Aussie are good at sledging – isn’t that how we are number 1 in cricket? Maybe Warnie was sending text message instructions to the Navy – you know that’s gonna work!
Well! I never! Looks like the estimable John Howard had better cut out alcohol for the troops as well as the abos.
Nada: I think you might be onto something there. Substitution of actual skills with name-calling – very Australian sportsmanlike.
Catalyst: Don’t get me started on that latest piece of duplicity by The Weasel. The man is in office for how long before he ‘discovers’ that the Aboriginal population has some problems?