Sat 14 Feb 2009
Steorn Again
Posted by anaglyph under Hokum, Insane People, Skeptical Thinking, Technology, WooWoo
[25] Comments
Remember Steorn, the Irish startup who claimed to have invented a machine for creating energy out of nothing? We examined their preposterous claims on The Cow almost two years ago, here, and then again, after they comprehensively failed to reveal their stunning breakthrough to the world, here.
I’ve checked in on them from time to time, but aside from the very occasional appearance with famous personages*, there’s been absolutely no action on the Steorn Free Energy front.
Until this week.
Given the deafening silence that resulted from Steorn’s attempt to convene a panel of experts to vindicate their claims, I was pretty sure that, like so many others throughout history who’ve vaunted perpetual motion machines, the company was dead and buried. Unfortunately I was mistaken. Like a zombie that’s been struck so many times with a shovel that its spinal cord is hanging out, Steorn has staggered from the Graveyard of Improbable Claims to walk among the rational once more. Actually, they’re more like vampires come to think of it – they’ve risen freshly reconstituted, with a website makeover, and a coven of new faces, to feed again on the blood of the gullible. But the unpleasant smell of decay still lingers under the paint job.
But enough of the colourful Hammer Horror metaphors. Surely Steorn wouldn’t be brazen enough to come back with the same old crap. Surely by now they’ve got something to substantiate their preposterous claims. Well let’s see…. there’s a graph…
…and a plastic doo-dah…
And they’re even selling a USB Hall Probe† (at 250 quid it’s a steal – yep, that’s right – them stealing from you). But aside from that, it’s all the same crapola. They’ve made a video that features a trio of luminaries extolling the virtues of Orbo (Steorn’s supposed free energy ‘engine’) without really saying anything more profound than ‘Gee whiz! Ah woonta believed it unless I sawr’n it with me own eyes!’. Unsurprisingly (to me at least) none of these boffins turns up on the first five pages of a ProprietarySearchEngine™ search. C’mon Steorn! If you’re going about spruiking your new Solution to the World’s Problems™, get some people with credibility to wave your flag! That is, of course, unless you can’t…
What else have we got… oh yeah! There’s an explanation of how Orbo works! Hang on now:
Orbo is based upon time variant magnetic interactions, i.e. magnetic interactions whose efficiency varies as a function of transaction timeframes.
It is this variation of energy exchanged as a function of transaction time frame that lies at the heart of Orbo technology, and its ability to contravene the principle of the conservation of energy. Why? Conservation of energy requires that the total energy exchanged using interactions are invariant in time. This principle of time invariance is enshrined in Noether’s Theorem.
Aha! [Slaps hand on forehead] So obvious! In other words, what you’re saying is:
‘Crap crap crap crapola, crappity crap, big words, confusing technical jargon, more crap and then some crap.’
It all seems so simple in retrospect! If only I had thought of using magnets to make things go round and round forever and generate electricity in the process! Oh wait… I DID! In third grade! And then one day (the next day, as I recall) I learned from my science teacher, Mr Smythe,‡ that science is not what you want to happen, but what actually happens, and I gave up my dream of becoming the Henry Ford of the Free Energy Age.
So. What’s the game with Steorn? Can they possibly be the stellar kinds of bozos that they seem? Or have they simply outsmarted everyone with a hi-tech shell game? They’re certainly getting plenty of publicity, and now they’re selling training courses, so I’m sure they’ll fleece enough idiots of their cash to keep annoying us for at least another couple of years.
But one thing Steorn ain’t EVER going to do, is make a machine that outputs more energy than is put into it. Ever. Come back in ten years and tell me I’m wrong Steorn. Twenty, then. What the heck, I’ll give you a hundred!
Now, back to my workshop. The antigravity machine is a-l-m-o-s-t finished…
*The woman in the middle of the photo is Mary McAleese, the President of Ireland. Steorn’s CEO, Sean McCarthy, is the man with the smug grin standing to her left.
†It’s basically just a gadget for measuring magnetic field strength. Ho hum.
‡Very curiously, Mr Smythe was a Christian. It was from this point that I understood that even very intelligent people could be hoodwinked, if they weren’t brave enough.
25 Responses to “ Steorn Again ”
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[…] folks, it’s another nutty scam from the same mindset that brought you unlimited free energy, clairvoyant pens and magic water. Swinging in with that Ol’ Reliable of pseudoscience, […]
[…] note, Cowpokes, people like Entropy0 confuse, frustrate and sadden me. It is plain that unlike the Steorn swindlers, or the ShooTag crooks, Mr 0 and the sellers of Special One Drop Liquid are not fully […]
[…] resonant energy focussing technology that uses Shoo!MAN Waves and FeelyGood™ along with time invariance according to Noether’s Theorem to actually reduce your capacity for any kind of critical thought whilst inside its field of […]
[…] yes, dear Acowlytes, it is true. Our old friends Steorn have emerged once more from their mossy grotto in the depths of leprechaun country with more tales […]
OK, now I know what a Hall Probe is, though why I would want to test magnetic fields on the desk next to my computer I’m not sure.
I have read the whole website (something to do while The King sleeps), and it seems to me that the crux of the matter is THE MISSING SENTENCE after this statement:
“Steorn will provide Orbo to the product developers under license. These product developers will provide Orbo powered products to the public.”
THE MISSING SENTENCE would go something like this:
“Our head office in Ireland has an Orbo powered fridge. Come in and check it out for yourself, then license our astonishing technology for development with your own products.”
When that sentence is added, the world will be awed. Until then, Steorn is just for dummies.
I bet Steorn would love to add that sentence, but they can’t, because the only thing Orbo has managed to generate as far as I can see is a whole lot of disappointment. The Steorn personnel, however, have generated almost unbelievable quantities of hot air.
I love crap you can buy on the internet!
maybe they’ve been eating white powder gold
Somewhat embarrassingly even our local lads are getting in on the act:
Found while her majesty was asleep.
The King
ummm… nope. these guys are a typical hype-based start up, something akin to a ponzi investment scheme. only thing that comes out of the other end is an endless stream of press releases.
in my field, i see folks selling cold fusion, uber-performance semiconductors fabricated on peanut butter, and that sort of crap. it brings me joy to kill such proposals…
Malach: I guess it would sit nicely on the shelf beside the crap you write on the internet.
Nurse Myra: Perhaps, but that’s giving them the benefit of simply being deluded. I think that it’s more likely they’ve been eating baked beans and boiled eggs. It would account for all the gas.
King Willy: Oh yes, John Bedini has been at it for years along with a few dozen other nitwits who claim to have invented ‘overunity’ devices. And yet NOT ONE of them has managed to demonstrate (to any rational person) that the effect exists. Why? Because there’s a conspiracy to stop free energy from being used because The Government/FBI/CIA/Big Oil/Big Power don’t want us to know about it!
If you really want to be in on the Lutec phenomenon, though King W, well, go for it!:
A mere 100k! Surely that’s insignificant when compared with the near infinite wealth it will generate!
daisyfae: Oh yeah. I’m sure Steorn can keep this thing rolling along for decades. All they need is a supply of credulous chumps, which is no big ask. If they were to fold some religion into it and they’re set for life.
Worship, Worship, Blah Blah..ok done.
So if they spin magnets, they get energy? So they invited the MRI?
Also, I think you missed two crapolas and one crap in your dummed down to a 5th grader translation.
I know you pride yourself on accuracy.
P.S. I think using Vampires or the term coven which usually is used by Witches should not be anywhere near these dingbats.
Vampires and Witches are people too damnit!
(Insert ridiculous and over the top emotional reaction here.)
Lie of the Steorn
Damn the Steorn! The Steorn should die, yes, yes, it must die and now!
I really need to remember to medicate FIRST, then sit at my computer.
MI: I know how you feel. Really, I do. I don’t take any medication, but maybe it would help. For now, there’s whisky.
Hidden safely beside the humble sofa…
The King
Within reach, King Willy, within reach…
Oh joy! Thank you Anonymous for your kind invitation to hear Sean McCarthy speak in Qatar. Sadly, even if I could hop on a plane right this minute it’s unlikely I’d make it in time. But oh, how I’d just love to be there.
I note that the brochure you have linked me to exclaims that:
‘Sean has twenty years experience in selling and delivering large-scale technology solutions to global clients.’
… which, aside from containing awful grammar (so what’s new), and waffle-speak (‘technology solutions‘? Pah!), glosses conveniently over one teensy detail – Sean has failed to pony up a brass razoo when it comes to actually delivering free energy. To anyone. Anywhere. Selling it, maybe. Delivering it, not so much.
(And I just bet that some sucker is paying for Mr McCarthy to fly first class to Qatar and get put up in a very expensive hotel…)
And this company has/had the support of Enterprise Ireland, i.e funded by public money…
Disappointing but really not that surprising. These kinds of swindlers always manage to keep their hands in other people’s pockets. Ultimately though, if it’s public money, then the public are the goobers for not protesting loudly and often.
UNFORTUNATELY, anaglyph is destroying his chances to do great rather than evil. Most likely resulting in going to hell, but I aint god so I can’t judge that for sure.
Well, two things here:
1. What? Steorn is doing great? It is to laugh.
2. There is no God, no Judging and no Hell. Unlike you, I’m not afraid of such fictions.
Now, I do believe that “science is not what you want to happen, but what actually happens.†Just reading this blog. I learn lots of details who were too important to our life. ‘Coz Science has been part of our life also.