Sun 7 Oct 2007
Some Light Humour
Posted by anaglyph under Hokum, Idiots, Insane People, Laughs, Skeptical Thinking, Stupidity, WooWoo
[17] Comments
Sun 7 Oct 2007
Posted by anaglyph under Hokum, Idiots, Insane People, Laughs, Skeptical Thinking, Stupidity, WooWoo
[17] Comments
I heard a voice say “Zul!”
Cool pic, but I am confused about where the gravity is . .
jmf: Don’t cross the beams!
Malach: There’s no place for gravity in humour.
That aint real sunlight.
But I guess its th best you can do at midnight.
Q: When does her program give you something you can sink your teeth into?
A: Don’t hold your breath.
You know, given the pollution levels in most cities, you probably actually do get *some* minerals by breathing. And maybe when we all start running our cars on blueberries and spinach, you could get vitamins, too.
You scoff, but she might be on to something big!
Joey: It’s the Breatharian equivalent of fast food.
Jam: Like The Floyd says…
Phoebe Fay: Jasmuheen doesn’t think so – when the 60 Minutes team started their experiment with her, in a hotel in the city, she complained that the air wasn’t ‘pure’ enough.
So she’s not even getting the benefit of modern technology.
empty fridges are so sad. it’s as if they are missing a soul.
I think “president” Bush is on this plan. I don’t think he gets enough oxygen to his brain though.
TM: But look at all that light! To a Breatharian, an empty fridge is full of nummy luminous calories!
jmf: Yeah, and Bush… plant… – coincidence?
By th way, Revrend …
Evry time I Submit a Comment here at th Cow, I get a message that says:
Error 403
We’re sorry, but we could not fulfill your request for /?p=572#comment-77643 on this server.
You do not have permission to access this server.
Your technical support key is: 04a4-c036-dfd9-b1ad
You can use this key to fix this problem yourself.
If you are unable to fix the problem yourself, please contact peter at and be sure to provide the technical support key shown above.
[end o messidge]
My coment still gets left, but Im prplexd by th messidge. I wondr if, aftr I ovrhauld my hard drive recently, yer spam filtr (or sompm) suddnly dont reckonize my innernet ID.
It aint realy a big deal, just a little annoyance. Any suggestions?
Hmm. Mau got that too from Malaysia… It certainly does point to a spam filter thing. Anyone else seeing these errors? Do you get it every time Joey?
Yep. Evry time.
It startd only aftr I startd havin my computr problems — specifickly, only aftr I “partially” restord my hard-disk. Initialy, I thougt that mu have sompm to do wif it; but th fackt that you gots anothr readr havin th same prob sugjests sompm else.
Not to worry. Twoud take a lot moren this to keep me from postin reggalrly at TCA. Once I learnt that my coments WAS bein postd, I went fer quite a while bfore tellin you about th odd messidge.
FYI: Th last coment I left (above) did NOT prompt th odd messidge.
OK. It appears that Bad Behaviour, a spambot filter that I use, is falsely recognizing some IPs as bots. I’ll leave it off for a while.
It makes sense as far as Mau’s Malaysian-side comments are concerned, but I don’t know why it would have ‘suddenly’ started seeing your IP as a spam ID unless you somehow changed your IP when you did your disk stuff (which seems unlikely to me, but I don’t know much bout PCs)
Please let me know if you encounter the problem again.
I got that error when commenting a few times too. I thought that it was your way of telling me to go away and I laid off commenting for awhile. Phwew. Glad to find out what it was!