Thu 2 Apr 2009
Posted by anaglyph under FREE!
[22] Comments

Yes Cowpokes, it’s finally here! As promised last post, Tetherd Cow Ahead is excited to bring you the ShooWooWoo™! With its patented Fractal Quantum Magnetic Levitatory Field, the ShooWooWoo™ fends off quacks and charlatans for up to a lifetime! Using revolutionary new scientific discoveries, the ShooWooWoo™ guarantees* that your website will never be pestered by mountebanks or snake-oil salesman again! Better still, the ShooWooWoo™ comes in a delightful shade of lavender and is absolutely FREE! To claim your FREE ShooWooWoo™ merely copy the code below and paste it into the appropriate part of the html for your sidebar or your page! No need to do anything else – images & links will appear as if by magic! But it’s NOT magic. Oh, no, no, no! It’s quantum physics and magnetic static with a little sprinkle of FeelyGood™!
<a target="_blank" title="Tetherd Cow Ahead" href=""><img src="" alt="Shoo Woo Woo Logo" /></a>
Display your ShooWooWoo™ with pride! It will send all purveyors of Woo to the Tetherd Cow Ahead Skeptical Thinking category, where they can ruminate respectfully on their crimes against intelligence!
This has been another Tetherd Cow Ahead public service.
SPECIAL OFFER! Now also available in vibrant jade:

<a target="_blank" title="Tetherd Cow Ahead" href=""><img src="" alt="Shoo Woo Woo Logo" /></a>
*Does not cover underwater use.
22 Responses to “ ShooWooWoo ”
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[…] Folks! I’ve had a communication from one of the purveyors of ShooTag™ which, I think you’ll agree needs to be awarded headline status, rather than languishing in the Comments on this post. […]
[…] Anyways, Cowpokes, fear not. Here at TCA Labs the boffins have been hard at work to remedy this appalling situation. Stay tuned for our Part 2 of this post when we will be bringing you the TCA ShooWooWoo™… […]
[…] Cowpokes, that day has arrived! Using this handy guide whilst simultaneously stroking your lucky ShooWooWoo™ talisman will absolutely guarantee that you will never again run afoul of swindlers and […]
Finaly, th same tecknology that got rid o quack-eckos is turnd against th quacks themselfs.
Is lavender the only color option or can I get it in jade?
I shun the woo woo
Joey: I’m just hoping the guys in the lab used enough magnets.
Atlas: See above for jaded version.
Cissy Strutt: And beautifully shunned, I might say! Well, in fact, I do say. No pun intended.
To th REST o th world, theyre “magnets.”
EXSPURTS in th field prefr th trade-name, ‘QuackNuts’.
‘I Think Critical!’ – come on Rev, you bought it in China – doesn’t sound like english to me, (more like Universal Headache) and we all know how you hate those pesky exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you know if they make a ShoePooPoo, it’s just the royal hound tends to leave little inconveniences around the grounds. If only (Atlas) I could teach her to use the throne.
The King
Joey: Do you know, I got that ol’ list with the ‘Echo of a Duck’s Quack’ sent to me again recently. As much as I thought I’d well & truly staked it, once more it rises to walk among the living.
King Willy: Get with the program Your Highness! It’s the new lingo – if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!
But will it cure foot fungus? And unwanted parasitic twin parts.
You can’t fool me with your VOODOO!
Shit. And I was all set to purchase one of these things, yet here is Malach to prove it does not work.
And free! Quite the public service. Many thanks.
Phoebe Fay: It may stop Fungus the Bogeyman and parasitic twin hauntings…
Malach: Can you teach me how to draw an elephant from life?
Atlas: It doesn’t say that it will repel mere idiots.
Ram: I hope it is of some use in Mexico.
Joey: I need to start up a Cow equivalent. Maybe ‘The MooWoos’?
MooWoos … I like it …
… affecktionatly known as “Cow Cookies”?
Does this work at say an office?
P.S. a new Rev in town. Just posted her. I think she is a bit cuter than you…not that I don’t adore those red laser beam glowing eyes and horns, I do.
Your response proves that you are not disaplined in physics or quantum physics. The statements that you made about frequencies being the same as a cell phone demonstrate you lack of science knowledge. There are many types of frequencies and ours are not radio frequencies. When we go from patent pending to full patent protection, then all of our sceince (all three applications) will be disclosed. Instead of making a judgement without knowledge, try it. Actually, try the people mosquito tag. If you usually get bitten by mosquitoes, you will know if you do not get mosquito bites -won’t you? If would give you more credibility to have a quantum physicist contact us and then let him explain the science to you. Otherwise it just makes you sound ignorant! Technology is changing very quickly and most people have no science background to understand how any of it works. Did you know that radios were first made with crystals? did you know that digital items are made with liquid crystals? Did you know that cell phones use fractal geometry to make a minute antenna that uses your energy field to extend? Do your homework and try the people mosquito tag. See for yourself.
All that technology at ShooTAG’s disposal and no grammar or spell check?
Dont ‘frequency’ start wif F-R-E-A-K?
Melissa Rogers: See my reply to your comment here