Tue 8 Sep 2009
Remembrance of Things Future
Posted by anaglyph under Sister Veronica
[15] Comments

Every now and then Sister Veronica gets a letter like this one that she received last week:
Dear Sister Veronica,
Can you believe it has been 3 years and 1 day since your last (and, ironically, first) “Dear Sister Veronica” bit at the Cow? I’ve been sipping Rasputin beer and talking about you with my pal, Joey. And we’re both wondering how’s come you haven’t been seen at the Reverend’s in a while, and more importantly, how come you haven’t show us your magnificent udders yet? Neither of us is good with astrology, but both of us agree that a peep show is DEFINITELY in the cards.
Your Biggest Fans,
Atlas C. and Joey P.
Mostly she just rolls her eyes and resumes application of nail polish to her toes, but this time she pointed out that (speaking of ‘things on the cards’) we never did revisit the predictions she made in 2007 for major events of that year. And dammit, it looks like she’s right! Somehow I completely overlooked my promise to see just how well she did with her clairvoyant powers. If you don’t recall her forecasts (such as an earthquake in Peru and the winner of the 2007 Academy Awards) you can refresh your memory here.
Looking back at 2007 it seems that Sister Veronica’s crystal ball is sporting an astonishing 100% success rate. If you want to check her accuracy, Wikipedia lists some of the important events of 2007 here. Sister V managed to score an incredible five direct hits out of five specific predictions WELL BEFORE THEY HAPPENED!! (plus she made two bonus predictions for 2008 which I think you’ll agree are more than a little uncanny!) Sylvia Browne, it’s time for you to hang up your hat and call it a day.
Now that’s what we call persuasive evidence of psychic ability!
I predict Joey and Atlas won’t get their wish. The Cow is too polite.
C’mon Rev, prove me wrong!
The King
They predicted things in the comments of the original post that didn’t happen either.
I worship the ground she walks on . .
That is pretty incredible. But, if you’re that good, why did you buy those non-refundable season tickets to the Michael Jackson 2009 World Tour?
Malach: She doesn’t know you exist.
Colonel: Because we predict that in ten years they’ll be worth double the money on eBay!
I am not sure Malach knows he exists. And I wonder if Sister Veronica can predict when we might get a new poll here at the Cow?
Damn. All that hard work for nothing. I don’t know why I bother.
And speaking of more important things, what does any of this have to do with that sexy actress Morena Baccarin?
Morena is busy attending some movie premiere or something.
If only she could see the future, like Sister Veronica can…
Well, I don’t know about the past or the future but I’ve got a nice present for her to focus on.
AC: hahahahahaha
and hahahahahaha from me too
Fair enough, she did predict that those fuckers at Shit!Tag would remove my comment (and anyone else’s apparently).
Looks like the comments are the only thing they CAN remove effectively, sniff.
The King
King Willy: Yes, but a search for “shootag” on YouTube brings up the “How Does Shoo!TAGâ„¢ Work?” video as the top result. :-D