Tue 24 Mar 2009
Pull The Udder One
Posted by anaglyph under Cow Matters, Food & Drink, Signs
[14] Comments
Faithful Acowlytes King Willy and Pil have been been on a pilgrimage to Cow Central these last few days, and lawks, I thought they’d never leave what a fabtacular time we’ve all had. There was gingerbread, and whisky and birthday cake and all manner of shenanigans. Hopefully, by now they’ve made it back through Sydney Airport without being assaulted by biker gangs and are kicking back with extra spicy Virgin Marys on their terrace.
While they were here, they were amused to discover that I have my own brand of milk.
This is something that, until they pointed it out, I’d comprehensively failed to notice (that sometimes happens when one is the spokesperson for a supernatural being). Henceforth let it be known that here at The Cow, not only do we have plenty of The Milk of Human Kindness, but it’s low fat as well!
So do you squeeze your own tits or do you just hook a pump up to yourself?
Tsk. I am the spokesperson for the Tetherd Cow, not a cow myself, as you surely would know if you’d spent some time studying the Cow Chronicles 2:4 instead of making up implausible record covers.
I always knew you were a rich source
So visiting here we get our suggested daily dosage of vitamin D and calcium, and it’s good for our figures?
Wish the sold REV milk here. Just something about the cows here….can’t put my finger on it.
MI: Visiting The Cow is not just good for your figure, but for your brain as well!
And us visiting Cow Central was good for your brain too, I mean honestly Rev – it was the first thing I noticed!
Makes me wonder about the entomology (sic – for eggcorn fans) of the phrase ‘fat- head’, maybe ‘low-fat-head’ is a crueler cut these days…
Malach strikes me as a ‘low-fat’ kinda guy.
Seriously though, we were well impressed by our stay and only wish we could have hung around for more ‘fatted calf’ on the barbie. Lovely renovations and custom (and oddly familiar) paint job all round, makes our old castle cry itself to sleep in envy.
Must off, peasants to tax, servant girls to whip.
The King
Id like t pour some o that ovr a spicy virgin Mary.
Or a saucy Sistr Veronica.
Don’t hear much from Sister Veronica these days… I figure you would have milked her for all she was worth. Or at least let her milk you.
No lachrymose lactose here.
Prhaps Sistr V has … ummm … moovd on.
Nice to see that this post finally got categorized, btw.
Congratulations! I know the pride that comes with seeing your name on a 2 litre jug of milky goodness.
And sorry, but I can’t comment on the “ignorance is bliss” post. Ignorance may indeed be bliss but it also makes it difficult to understand writing that contains large words and challenging concepts!
Oh, and thanks for sharing your milk post with us. Ew.
Is this “cow” milk? If so then there is a strange serendipity indeed.