Wed 6 Jan 2010
Neti Potty
Posted by anaglyph under Bizarre, Gadgets, Insane People, WooWoo
[19] Comments
I… er… well… gosh… There’s just something unintentionally hilarious about watching a serious zombie woman in a pink cashmere sweater unflinchingly pour water up her nose.
I keep imagining her accidentally picking up a hot teapot by mistake.
Here’s another woman in a pink cashmere sweater doing it:
But even though the Himalayan Institute seems to prefer women in cashmere demonstrating their product, that doesn’t seem to be a prerequisite elsewhere – there’s a whole heap of these videos on YouTube. People from all walks seem to love showing the world how they pour water up their nose. Here’s a very unappealing guy selling something called ‘Sinus Genie’ which is the same thing, only with the addition of capsaicin. Yes, that’s right – capsaicin. The stuff they use in pepper spray to bring criminals to their knees. ((I gotta say – this is surely the equivalent of snorting ground-up chillis. Who, in their right mind…?))
Now just waiddaminute! Where have we seen that guy before? Aha! Isn’t he Mr Unappealing of Pocket Pain Doctor fame! You remember – the guy who wants to sell you expensive therapeutic colours for your iPhone. My, he’s really looking to get himself a woo-woo fuelled fortune, ain’t he? ((Note how he’s trading on the reputation of an established idea – the Neti pot – to sell a product that is nothing more than a plastic squeeze bottle. Checking the linked site takes you on a link-forwarding excursion to which throws a 404 error. Flim-flam, anyone? Persevering we find that does exist, though and you can buy a small plastic bottle full of nose-irritants for a mere $17.99. I’m going to keep an eye out for this guy – stay tuned.))
19 Responses to “ Neti Potty ”
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This post was mentioned on Twitter by stilgherrian: Wow! This product is even moar betteror than the Snuggie!…
Wow, I’d buy that for a dollar, only if it worked on my colon
Please don’t bother telling us if you post it on YouTube.
The unshaven guy with the tatts who says “doctors recommend it, give it a shot” really puts me at ease. I’d trust him with my health!
That guy goes by the name of Wayne Perry, and I’ll be featuring him in due course in the Woo Woo Files. Needless to say, he has no medical qualifications at all, and his wisdom is definitely of the snake oil kind. It’s a shame you can’t watch his video on the Pocket Pain Doctor post. It was carnival spruiking of the highest calibre (it’s been taken down because of its spurious claims, I guess)
You must have missed the guy who first did the neti pot w/coffee and then a very fine scotch whiskey…youch says me!
That woman in the second video put the wet spoon back in the salt pot!
Aah, aah aah aah choo!
The King
Carla: Hello, and welcome to The Cow! I didn’t go through all the Neti Pot videos – there are too many of them- so yes, I missed that one. Personally, I can’t see what’s wrong with simply drinking coffee and whisky – it’s a time-honoured concept that seems to have been decided on for a reason…
Nurse Myra: Trust you to notice that. Well, what can you expect from people who are fond of sticking things up their nose. She probably double-dips at parties too.
Anonymous or King Willy: Can you cover your mouth when you do that? Now there’s coffee and whisky everywhere.
So warm water up the nose feels good? How about in the bath tub? “Help! I’m drowning but it feels so good on my sinuses!”
The scotch up the nose would be weird. Would you call it ‘Snotch?’
Yes – you could just go swimming in the sea and do a couple of deep inhales. That should clear out your sinuses.
As for the ‘snotch’ – it seems a pity to flush the stuff out – surely the point is that the whisky ends up in your stomach…
You could always open a pub in Britain called the ‘NOSH ‘N SNOTCH’. Nice middle of the road cuisine and top of the line whiskey.
Price list:
Haig and haig: Virgin shot; 6.50
2nd time around; 3.25
3rd pour (may pour somewhat slower);0.25_
Urgh. That is… really… disgusting…
I suffer from occasional sinus headaches that come from dehydration or an infection. Trust me, if it would make the needles-through-the eyeballs pain stop, I’d try a miniature Roto Rooter up my nose. So the idea of a neti pot doesn’t seem that strange. In fact, one of those loaded with old-fashioned Alkalol, a mucus solvent, might actually help.
Well, I’m not saying that nasal irrigation has no redeeming features at all as a medical procedure – plainly, there are some times when unpleasant invasion of the body is of some advantage to keep you in good condition.
As a general practise, however, there is no good reason at all to think that it is necessary or beneficial to flush your nasal passages out on a regular basis if you’re a normal person in good health.
And the pink cardigan… it still gets me.
The cardigan is OK, but if it were cashmere…or dare I say it…angora….
…I could be overcome with some very naughty thoughts.
You devil, you!
Eugh. I can understand using a peppery substance to clear out the nose, but I would NOT want to use this …method. I’d rather just eat some spicy food.
I’m with you there Catherine. I’ve never had the inclination to snort my laksa…