Wed 7 Apr 2010
Pork Pie Chart?
Posted by anaglyph under Cow Matters, CowBlogTech, Hmmm..., Numbers
[10] Comments
Every now and then out of curiosity I check the server statistics for Tetherd Cow to see who visits, from where, and what they’re interested in. Mostly it’s boring. Occasionally it’s baffling. This is one of those times. I mean, veronica, rasputin and shoo tag scam, sure no problem. Famous mirrors, yup. Old ‘adds’ – I guess.
But fanny as the number one term? Really? Just go over to the side bar search button, Acowlytes, and do a search for fanny. You get one hit – this post. And yet the number one search term bringing people to Tetherd Cow Ahead this last month, with 71 requests, is fanny. What the crap is that about?
And as for girl sucks cow singsong…
They come in search for Malach, the biggest horse’s fanny in all the Internet.
Aaaagh. Now I’ve done it.
Wave the fanny!
This made me look at my stats, and I was horrified by the number of rude bastards who were stealing images from my site to use on their crappy blogs. But they didn’t just download and use them no – the reason I could track them down is because they were using them while still on my server! Talk about your ultimate breach of internet etiquette!
The most amusing was the idiot who used a photo I’d taken of a turtle on Heron Island as part of his ‘look at all the amazing places I went to in South America’ blog …
What is Malach?
Malach is a fanny
Waving in the mirror.
You turn
Shoo! Shoo, Malach,
Long penis
(not literally, you understand
it is pejoratively meant).
Shoo, begone, I say.
And shush
For I am listening
To the far sound
Of the cow singsong.
It calls me home.
This is kinda silly,
And no mention of Billy!
The King
Malach: I become more convinced every day that you are a robot.
Universal Head: You owe me a beer.
Cissy Strutt: I am moved to tears. No, wait, that’s just condensation.
King Willy: Well, exactly. I think that Billy should at least have gotten a look-in. Or robots. Or Jesus. Or any of a number of other things that are not ‘google took’.
google took
Hahaha @QW