Wed 12 Jul 2006
Politically Corrupt
Posted by anaglyph under Ephemera, Laughs
[5] Comments
Over at Radioactive Jam’s pad, the discussion turned to some issues of Political Correctness and I advised a trip to cartoonist John Callahan’s website for a good dose of (humourous) reality from someone who sits (in his wheelchair) on the other side of the able-bodied fence.
Callahan has a great selection of hate mail he has received for his work. It is possibly the funniest part of the site. Cheeze, people are so humourless and easily upset. It’s just cartoons folks, he’s pulling your strings!
I thought this was particularly chuckle-worthy in reference to some previous Cow observations (Now Pil, no hate mail, you know it’s just a joke!)
The hate mail DOES make the cartoons funnier – you should encourage hate mail, Reverend.
I hate the reverend. He is cruel, insensitive and mean. I have my doubts about his ordained status, as well. We here in America take great offense at his comments on our food and culture.
Remember Reverend, if it wasn’t for us, Australia would be speaking Japanesean right now. And we’ll smother whatever we want in boatloads of cheese. Jerk.
I don’t know why that wonderful nun stays around you.
Just doing my part, Pil.
You mean, we’d have even more varieties of sushi to choose from? Oh, the sacrifice.
Wait – I’ll just get out the Cheese String flail and the Dunkin’ Donuts ‘cuffs and give myself some proper mea culpa*.
*I coulda said ‘mea big gulpa‘ but you all see how restrained I am.
I wonder if they “wok the dog” in Vietnam. They do in China.
I do so read your blog!