Mon 1 Jun 2009
Posted by anaglyph under Signs
[12] Comments

O-k-a-a-a-y... And we do that by… er… sticking our fingers in the hole and feeling around…?
Thanks to Pil for her continuing services in the name of The Cow.
Pil is a Cowdinal.
Clearly someone with a sharp mind thought of this. And no SGM to warn us of the horrendous side effect should we fill above the line?
That what she said
Cissy Strutt: She certainly is. I hereby declare her ordained, and that she may from this time forth sign her comments ‘Cowdinal Pil’.
King Willy: Are you equating a hospital with a container full of pricks?
Atlas: Ah yes, SGM is notably missing from this scenario.
Malach: Speaking of levels of sharpness…
Well the photo was snapped in the loo at RNSH so err I guess yes!
The King
What was Pil doing at RNSH? Was she performing more tricks with her clavicles?
I believe the preferred method is to peer through the little hole.
If you get poked in the eye, you know that this one is full and it is time to look for another receptacle. (provided you are still able to see).
Obviously this is a defective kit- it’s supposed to come with a pair of X-Ray Vision goggles.
Or, for the exceedingly literal-minded, it means you cannot put anything in at all, because obviously the hole is above the line, and it says don’t fill above the line, and “fill” can either mean “fill up” or to simply put something in.
Lest you think that’s stupid- did I ever tell the story about our former apartment neighbor who refused to use the new snowblower because she read the directions and they said “do not operate in water”, and she suddenly realised that snow was really water, so she didn’t dare use it to blow snow? I wish I was kidding about that story, but I am not, it’s the absolute truth. And she was a book editor…
Nurse Myra: I’d like to know that myself… she’s been suspiciously quiet since I promoted her to Cowdinal.
Ram: Ever since I saw Dario Argento’s Terror at the Opera I have been wary of peering into holes.
(WARNING! Don’t click that link if you are squeamish)
Colonel: For an experiment, I once tried to obey literally all the signs I saw. I gave up after I’d cleaned my twelfth rest room.
why why why do I click on links that warn me not to click on them? why?
If I was in a horror movie, I would split up, go into rooms without turning on the light, walk backwards while frantically looking all around, and have sex. Gah.
Not only did I warn you, I warned you in special red text. Red. Like blood.
hahaha…. I clicked the link too. great stuff!