Fri 12 May 2006
Per Ardua ad Astra
Posted by anaglyph under Bizarre, In The News, Religion, Science
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Today, a rather sad coda to the story of feuding bikers Rodney ‘Hooks’ Monks and Russell Merrick Oldham.
As you will recall, Oldham, a man with ‘a passion for astronomy and a history of violence’ shot Monks dead in a dispute involving a romantic liaison between Monks and his parole officer. Oldham, packing heat in his handbag*, fired three shots at Monks at close range, and escaped in a taxi (I’m not making any of this up).
Oldham has been at large ever since, until last night where he waded into the ocean and, in keeping with his history of violence, shot himself. I like to speculate that he was looking at the stars.
Even this last recounting of the story has elements of the bizarre. Witnesses to the incident record that they heard two shots, before they discovered the lifeless body of Oldham. This either means Oldham was a really lousy shot, or that he was one mean and determined bastard.
RIP Russell. I hope you and Hooks make it up in the Big Club in the Sky. Or in the Other Place.
*It was in the news report. Handbag. Read it for yourself.
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Geez — a TWO-shot suicide! Talk about Turkocity!
Bandidos in Sydney? With Chapters? and Presidents? and Segeants at Arms? Carrying handbags? Do they drink tea and eat Vegemite on little pieces of toast? At star parties? With their pinkies sticking out?
A man bag?
I warned you about falling in with that astronomy crowd. Nothing but trouble.
As a note, it is possible for sounds to echo off of waves and has fooled people before. That being said, I’m just going to assume he was the toughest geek alive.
This might be a comment.
This might be a cat in a box.
I like that the reporter thought it very important to note that a Balmoral resident said that a friend had seen and heard nothing. Hmmm.
You must think that you’re cute and funny and oh so fucking hip noting the humour in this very tragic story. I knew Russell very well before he lost his way and joined the Bandidos. He was a brilliant student, and yes – he did have a passion for astronomy. He was a gentle and kind man. The path that he eventually took was completely uncharacteristic for him. Drugs clearly had a big part to play in this sad situation. You are all a bunch of self-important motherfuckers who can laugh at another person’s tragedy. Fuck you all.
Anonymous: The purpose behind Tetherd Cow Ahead is to make observations on the absurdities of life. Mine, and other people’s.
I’m sorry if I’ve caused you offense. In my defense let me just say that I admire someone like Russell Oldham. He obviously lived a life that was interesting, even if it did end in tragedy. In my books, that puts him a cut above most people already. I am sorry I didn’t place a little more emphasis on the romance aspect of his passing, but I am sincere when I say I hope he was looking at the stars. I’m sorry that you missed my intention there.
I am no stranger to tragedy. But in my own life, the thing that keeps me going is humour. Russell’s demise, tinged with sadness as it certainly must be for those who knew him, is inherently humorous.
Laughing at life (and death) is a way of coping with it.
Again I apologize for any offense I have caused. I certainly don’t feel like I’m ‘self-important’, so I’m sorry you think that. I feel like just another schmuck caught up in a bizarre and crazy journey from cradle to grave.