Tue 9 Jun 2009
Posted by anaglyph under Australiana, Politics, Stupidity, Web Politics
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Spare me once more from the morons.
I’ve spoken before about senator Stephen Conroy[tippy title=”*”]Just testing to make sure you paid attention to the last post.[/tippy], the politician who somehow[tippy title=”†”]One can only speculate that he won the position on the hoop-la or the chocolate wheel.[/tippy] has ended up being Australia’s advisor on all things internet, and today the Cow’s attention turns toward him once more. This time, it’s because he has decided to offer up his advice on internet security.[tippy title=”‡”]After an ignominious (yet predictably sanctimonious) backdown on the imbecilic ‘Clean Feed’ proposal.[/tippy] And Spagmonster knows that a guy with his level of 1337 k3wl is going to have some pretty U$3PhUL words to say on the matter. Am I right?
Yes, Senator Conroy, wearing his white hat out in public for all the world to see, yesterday launched Australia’s National Change Your Password Day.
“No one wants to lose their bank details to criminals or fall victim to an online scam and that’s why it’s important that people understand simple steps, such as getting a better, stronger password, can help them stay smart online and protect their personal information.”
Password? Password? Are you reading what I’m reading here? Stephen Conroy seems to be under the impression that people use only ONE PASSWORD!
Further demonstrating his uncanny 1337 (r3D3|\|714L$, Conroy goes on to recommend that:
…passwords always include letters and numbers and warned people to be vigilant. “Stop and think before you click on links or attachments.”
Jesus H. Christ. You’d think this guy has only just discovered the internet. What really worries me is that maybe that’s true.
Australians, answer me this: of all the people we could have had appointed to look after the most exciting and powerful concept to come the way of human civilization since the invention of language, why have we been saddled with a cretin? Not just someone who isn’t quite up to date with the latest and the neatest (that would be understandable) but someone who hasn’t got the faintest clue what he’s talking about. Worse, he hasn’t got the faintest clue, but he doesn’t know how to sound like he does!
Excuse me. I have to go change my password.
†One can only speculate that he won the position on the hoop-la or the chocolate wheel.
‡After an ignominious (yet predictably sanctimonious) backdown on the imbecilic ‘Clean Feed’ proposal.
Why don’t you run for office? And when you win, I hope you also add a “National Update Your Keychain” for Mac OS X users who store their passwords.
*National Update Your Keychain, Everyone” Day. (N.U.K.E.D.)
He should also remind everyone that screen savers waste electricity. Or that you should update your virus protect on a regular basis. Perhaps even going as far as letting us know to not give strangers out our personal information or leaving our children unattended and allowing them to chat with grown men on-line.
Yup, that would help me for sure.
The world is going to be a better place because of the efforts of that man.
How long until National Change Yer National Advisor on All Things Internet Day?
He needs to talk to Al Gore, Al Gore invented the internet.
Al Gore inventd global warming too.
Xenu, next he’ll be talking about protecting “Spammer’s Rights”.
The King
You guys can poke fun at Senatr Conroy all ya want. To ME, he has th look of a genyus.
I dunno … Sompm about th EYES.
Atlas: Pleas stop making suggestions like that. He might listen.
MI: He DID remind everyone to update their virus protection regularly. I tell you, he is a cretin.
Joey: Well, we simply could not do worse. Even if it was someone from the conservatives. Oh wait… I take that back
Malach: I bet Al Gore changes his password every six months.
Joey: Maybe Senator Fielding should talk to him…
King Willy: Conroy thinks a spammer is a singing viking.
Joey: Yup, that’s the kind of genius he is alright.
This was my biggest LOL moment of the day.