Sat 26 Apr 2008
One Stop Shopping – Episode II
Posted by anaglyph under Signs
[29] Comments
In Coogee, Sydney. I wonder if they appreciate the irony at all? Click on the pic for the full experience.
Thanks to hewhohears for the intrepid photo-scouting for this one! Anyone else find any of these, please send ’em on in.
I can see a cancer clinic , where we cant shop any thing.But the next shop to it looks to be a body tanning shop or some thing like that.Well cant consider as one stop shopping.
so, what else do you do these days apart from driving around Sydney and spotting funny shops?
There should be at least a bikini shop in between, then we’d all be happy.
also, i can’t post links now?
Gee, that’s a lovely car.
Where’s the clinic for faux cancer caused by my fake tan?
treespotter: As it turns out, I have spotted neither of these shops. The pics have both been donated by faithful Acowlytes.
As for posting links, well, I don’t mind at all, as long as they’re not links to fake Rolexes, low-rent smut, or as in Vladimir’s case, cheap furniture.
Catalyst: With the open top and all, I’m betting that one belongs to a client of the tanning salon. And the other one, with the roof and the tinted windows belongs to a client of the other place who has learned the hard way…
Atlas: I wonder if it’s morally acceptable to pay for a fake tan with counterfeit money?
HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA! Hey Alanis Morrisette you stupid broad! This is the meaning of Irony, not your stupid song!
Ironic juxtaposition is obviously a Sydney thing – we are SOOO wry.
Come on, other cities, show us what you’ve got!
I did hear once, from a reliable source, that in Murwillumbah, (alleged home of the Doug Anthony All-Stars) there exists side-by-side a veterinary clinic and a Chinese restaurant…
It is true that Alanis has no concept of Irony, it really annoys me each time I hear that song…..
“like rain on your wedding day” That is just unfortunate or not, depending on your perspective.
All I have to say to Vladimir is (*&^%^%&^%&*( )(*)(*66 ^&*&^*&^ #%$#$%####
my 2c
The thing that is ironic, really, is that Ms Morrisette doesn’t actually know what irony is, and demonstrated this fact to all the world in a pop song.
It would not surprise me if I was to learn that Vladimir is a big fan of Ms Morrisette.
My anti-Morrisettation was somewhat ameliorated by her appearance as God in Dogma. But not more than somewhat.
Who cares about Alanis? Inquiring minds want to know Shakira’s thought’s on this.
Irony becomes actionable when we find out they are both owned by the same person…
Cissy Strutt: If Alanis Morisette is God, then that explains an awful lot.
Atlas: I hear Shakira is doing a new CD of cover versions.
Colonel: And I bet it’s the person who owns the red sports car.
“red” ?
Er… yeah. What colour do you think it is?
The window doesn’t say whether the salon does that infamous sphincter bleaching your countrymen perfected a few years ago.
Do tell. Is sphincter bleaching big in your land or are the journalists here hacks? (I pray it is the first. LOL)
I’ve sampled five colors from the “sports” car in the above photo. Purple? Yes. Pink? Yes. Red? No way.
I think it’s pinky purple. Definitely not red.
I didn’t care before, but ACs colour swatch effort has shamed me.
Giving red the boot. Hmmm…. Nope, no red. Definitely a purply pinkish color. The Coogee sign is red, though.
Yes, but it’s contextual – you can’t simply take a swatch from a jpeg and claim that’s the colour. You designery people should know that above all of us. If you look at the whole shot you can see that there is a vaguely blue colour cast to everything anyway. Also, the sports car is reflecting a lot of ambient light, including a very blue sky from behind the photographer.
Here – let me demonstrate. I ran some correction over it. Notice that the picture doesn’t appear inherently unbalanced (ie I haven’t exaggerated the red – I just took out a little blue):
I stand by my assertion that the car is crimson.
Crimson is not necessarily red. Us “designery folk” have this standard system of colors by Pantone. According to Pantone, Crimson is 201. Here is a snapshot directly from their site clearly showing what color crimson is. It’s also in PNG format, so there is no compression and quality loss, and therefore no color shift.
Also, here is a snippet from Wikipedia with regards to the color crimson:
Crimson is a strong, bright, deep red color combined with some blue, resulting in a tiny degree of purple.
I, too, “stand by your assertion” that the car is crimson. Because crimson is a COMBINATION of red and blue and thus, PURPLE! So thank you for agreeing with me that the car is, indeed, not “red”, as was your original claim. I accept your apology.
I think if we took a straw poll on whether crimson would be broadly classed as ‘red’ or ‘purple’ the outcome would clear.
I wear no knife to slaughter sleeping men;
But here’s a vengeful sword, rusted with ease,
That shall be scoured in his rancorous heart
That slanders me with murder’s crimson badge.
Yes, and as Microsoft Windows has proven, what the majority thinks is always for the best.
Sheesh, so now whenever I casually mention a colour on The Cow I have to put its Pantone reference? And I thought I had the monopoly on pedantry around here.
Huh, and I always thought having a McDonalds next door to a Burger King was weird. (Cause they always seem to come in pairs no matter where I go.)
You’re both blind. The Passat is clearly black.
MI: Having McDonalds next to a pet shop would be more worrying.
Simply Curious: Yes, but is it a Passat?
I dunno nuthin’ ’bout colour.However, I can tell you that when I took the photo I heard a plane coming in to land. The car looked Purple to me, not red or Crimson. But hey what would I know?