Wed 30 Jan 2008
On Blogging
Posted by anaglyph under Cow Matters
[18] Comments
Ah my faithful Acowlytes! With a minimum of fanfare Tetherd Cow Ahead has turned Three! It seems like only yesterday that a solitary cow let slip its restraints and ambled off into a haze of soporific poppy fumes and an uncertain future. The truth is that it has been a staggering 1095 days and in that time The Cow has wandered far and wide and seen sights and dreamed dreams that cows only dream of. When they’re on drugs. Or something.
As long-time Cowmrades know, my initial reason for setting TCA in motion was as a kind of occupational therapy after the death of my beloved Kate. At that time I really had no idea where I would go with the blog, what it would mean to me, and, indeed, whether there was any real point to it at all.
Over the years, though, Tetherd Cow Ahead has become something much more than I ever expected. I have made many new friends with whom I’ve laughed, philosophized and bantered. I’ve been encouraged, by the continuing labour of keeping The Cow interesting, to pay much greater attention to my world, viewing it, as it were, through the eyes of my readers as well as myself. This strange dissociation has given me an appreciation of my life that I don’t think I would ever have managed otherwise.
There’s been a lot of speculation in recent times about the utility of blogging. Some strident critics like the irksome Andrew Keen obtusely, or perhaps even wilfully, fail to understand even remotely the value of blogs*, advocating that the power of writing should be taken out of the hands of ‘the amateur’ and put back where it belongs (into the hands of those ‘who know what they’re doing’. Like, oh, CNN, and James Redfield, and The Pope and Shirley MacLaine and pretty much anyone of any public profile as long as they achieved their status through means other than the egalitarianism of the web).
People like Keen view the world in a very stilted and old-fashioned way. Andrew Keen would have taken Samuel Pepys’ quill away from him. He would have had Anne Frank go sit in the corner and knit. He’d have told Andy Warhol to get a proper job.
Now I’m not attempting to hold The Cow up to any of those extraordinary chroniclers of human experience, but in my opinion it is inevitable that sooner or later some great works will come out of the blogosphere. If nothing else, everyone who is currently blogging is helping to create an amazingly detailed picture of what it is like to live in the beginning of the 21st century at the explosive dawn of the Age of Information. And this picture is not being painted just by those who are somehow ‘sanctioned’ to do so.
For my own part, a nostalgic trawl back through The Cow lets me see an intriguing picture of my life over the last three years. It’s a quirky, funny, thoughtful and sometimes sad journey, but all in all (from my assessment anyway) it is a pretty good sketch of who I am and what I make of the world. I’ve never been much of a diarist so I’ve never had any real opportunity to look into my past at the changing person I surely am so it’s something of an engaging novelty to go revisit my life through the eyes of The Cow. I’m glad I started it. And I’m glad to have met you all, dear Cowpokes, and I thank you for your fine company.
No quiz this year – you’ve had altogether too many competitions lately I notice. But if you feel in the mood, have a few plugs away on the Mad Cow Ride in the sidebar. You’re sure to find something you’ve never seen before, or something you’ve completely forgotten.
I know I did.
*While hypocritically maintaining one of his own. It’s evidently OK for him to have one, because, unlike the rest of us, he’s got something to say…
Congratulations on your blog’s third anniversary. We (that’s the royal we) shall hope for many more.
Hear Here! Many happy returns Rev. I’m not one for the rodeo, but the Mad Cow Ride is irresistible.
Congratulations on three years!! Sounds like it’s been a wonderful journey away from a profoundly sad loss into a new life.
and thanks for introducing me to the wonderful world of blogging.
it helped you recover from the pain of losing kate and it’s the only reason I’m still here after stephen’s death.
blogging as therapy – there’s nothing quite like it xx
Wheeeeeeeee!! Three quick spins to celebrate three marvelous years. I visited a bicycle shop in Newtown, the Waste Baskets of Vietnam, then landed *splodge* into a pool of Wondercum.
Tetherd Cow Ahead is without doubt the most fantastic assemblage of Stuff in the known (and possibly unknown) universe.
But don’t just take my word for it – Bella Grim, e e cumings, Spam Ayres and Wordiam Willsworth all agree with me.
Happy Anniversary
Congratulations on your third anniversary, and many thanks for all the entertainment and food for thought you’ve given me over the last year!
Thank you all! I launch Cow Year 4 with just as much gusto as I have ever had. Coming up: Simple Graphics Man is up to his old antics, and some more from the Annunciation outtakes. We’ll also take a look at Alien Cattle Mutilation and the future of robots.
Let the frivolity commence!
ok I’m ready!
You left Sylvia Browne, Tim LaHaye, and Jerry Jenkins off your list of ‘those who know what they are doing’, which surprised me considering how many copies of all their books you must have stashed on your bookshelves at home.
Yeah, well if I were attempting a definitive list I’d be writing until the cows came home.
I reckon the value of blogs is to raise awareness of issues that we dont normally notice.
good to see you made 3 years.
ps i hope the cat is doing well in melbourne
Sorry to get to the party late.
It seems like yesterday you started this thing. Well, sort of. It seems like yesterday, but that it was a really long drawn out day yesterday. I was a lurker pretty much from the start over there on your blogger page. I notice the place doesn’t smell like the booze quite so much anymore.
To answer: I like any of your entries where the subject is speculative and the comments range out from there.
Really late here, but Congratulations! and I’ll raise my glass to the start of a grand year four!
RaJ: Oh lawks!
din: Yes, Glitch is settling in well. So far no-one has associated the missing children with our end of the street.
Case: Not so much of the booze, I agree. But a lot stronger of the formaldehyde.
Phoebe Fay: Thanks & all. I’m sorry I haven’t had more of a chance to the do rounds lately. It’s been rather a full year behind the scenes here at The Cow, but I expect things to quieten down at least a little over the next few weeks!
I have been around on the internet for about hmmmmm 12 + years now and regardless of the forum used (website, blog, chat room, myspace…whatever it is) it gives you the “pulse” of the world. What is making people tick or ticked off. What drives individuals, moves them, inspires. A giant new age social experiment and a documentation of our progress and failures as a society.
I started blogging for similar reasons, therapy of sorts. It is also a self serving spot purely for my own personal entertainment purposes…which I dearly needed!
Hello Pixie, and nice to see you dropping by again! I do get around to your place from time to time, but I see that life has been getting in the way for you also!
Stop by the more recent posts and say hello to everyone!