Tue 23 Apr 2013
Off With the Fairies*
Posted by anaglyph under Hokum, Idiots, Signs, Skeptical Thinking, Strange Lands, Travel, WooWoo
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One of these things just doesn’t belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?♬ ♪
Did you guess which one, boys and girls? Did you say ‘herbal teas’?
That’s right! Herbal teas are just teas made from herbs and all the other things are made from BULLSHIT! Do you know what bullshit is, boys and girls? Bullshit is the stuff that comes out the of the butt end of a bull! Yes – bull poo! Hahaha. Isn’t that funny! But it’s not half as funny as believing that magic water or dirty shoe inserts or hot wax in your ear will make your life better. Aren’t some people just so silly?
*This sign spotted on a recent trip to Port Fairy, in the far south of Australia.
+ lots more? I shudder to think
On balance, I think we can assume that the ‘lots more’ (I’m surprised there’s no apostrophe included in ‘lots’ to tell the truth) is lots more bullshit. You can only pitch so much herbal tea.
Been playing Assassin’s Creed 2 recently. Among the many delightful grace-notes are the advertising tout-cries you hear from doctors in the streets.
“A weekly bleeding is part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle!”
I got stuck at “detox foot patches”.
What do my feet get up to that I don’t know about?
I’ve not touched on ‘detox’ foot patches on the Cow as yet, but if an amusing enough idea comes to me I might. Basically, you buy these woo inserts for your shoes that are supposed to ‘suck out’ all the bad stuff through the soles of your feet. And you can see the ‘proof’ when you look at the patches and they are grimy.
Even writing down the words makes me want to smack my head on the table.
Too funny.
Please look after your head – you wouldn’t be the same without it.
Alternative to foot patches – pumice stones – gets the grime off at the source.
I haven’t even started on ear candles…
It was you’re choice to go to Port fariy. You chose 2 see that thing. Now you make fun off it. Ha ha you R the fuel.
Goodness Queen Willy! That was so convincing that I had to check your IP to make sure it wasn’t Melissa Rogers hacking your account.
Rev, I’d almost bet money that had you entered the shop and read the claims on the herbal tea boxes, you’d have found that they are exactly like the other things.
Yes, there’s probably a very high chance that the herbal teas boasted magical curative properties of one kind or another. But there is nothing wrong, on the face of it, with herbal tea. Why, I drink it myself – because it tastes nice.