Sun 7 Jun 2009
Observed in the wild…
Posted by anaglyph under Food & Drink, Scary
[6] Comments

…today at 11.15 am. So yes, someone is still buying it. Scary, huh?
It was flanked on one side by Bovril (an equally disgusting beverage) and on the other by chicken stock. Oddly, it was many aisles removed from the coffee and tea.
(See also: Sugar and a Slice of Lemon?)
Is that another Kraft product? Oh wait – maybe I’m getting confused with Bonux Vomica.
How weird, her royal highness and I were just talking about Bovril yesterday. Wow Rev, you must have mastered that pen!
Both these drinks must be cheaper than two minute noodles and catfood, so I reckon Australia’s aging population is the target demographic here. I’m sure when I’m 70 similar products will exist, most likely euphemistically described as ‘Extracts of Jus’. Errghhh.
The King
I am still trying to figure out why you folks down yonder eat that nasty tasting Vegemite. Someone sent me a jar of that sludge one time. Cannot say I am a toast and Vegemite kind of gal. Maybe in cooking with stews or soups, but straight up, that is hard core.
You found some?
I bet Vermillion will opt to make her own hot chocolate from now onski.
King Willy: It’s cheap alright. On the label it says you can make 7 litres of stock/soup/refreshing drink from one jar. That’s pretty thrifty dining alright. Of course you’d only go there once you’d finished the cat food and the noodles.
MI: Now you leave Vegemite outta this! That’s in an entirely different class altogether!
Joey: Mwahahahahaha!
Bovril, Oxo…. Bonox?