Sun 8 Nov 2009
Nasty, Brutish and Short.
Posted by anaglyph under Australiana, Tragedy
[10] Comments
If you’ve ever spent any time in Australia over Summer, you will have heard the unmistakeable shrill chirruping of cicadas. These noise from these insects can be so deafening that I’ve known Summer events to be forced to retreat indoors in order to escape from the ear-crushing sound pressure.
But they don’t appear every Summer. The life-cycle of the cicada (of which Australia has over 200 species) is interesting in that most of it (anywhere from 3 to 17 years) ((In most cicada species this period is defined by a prime number. No-one is quite sure why, but it is probably to do with surviving predation)) is spent underground. After this interminable period in the dark, feeding on nothing but tree sap sucked from a convenient root, the cicada climbs to the surface in crysalis form, breaks free of its drab brown shell and emerges in colours of emerald green, burnished bronze, buttery yellow and even polished coal black. It then makes its way to the branches of a leafy tree to commence a short (but cacophonous) period of mating and reproduction.
Except if it gets squashed in a sliding door.

Here in Nebraski, Im pretty sure we gots cicadas. But theyre thoroughly OUTSUNG by th katydids.
If you canceled outdoor events in Ohio because of cicadas you’d never be able to have outdoor events.
Joey: It’s incredible that such small critters can make for such a large racket. Kinda like Kylie Minogue I guess.
Atlas: I didn’t say we cancelled – but the cicadas can be so loud that it is completely impossible to talk. I’ve measured the decibel level at above 110db which is comparable to a loud rock concert and only 15db or so under the pain threshold. And at a frequency that penetrates right inside your brain.
We get these in the US everyso often too
You’d think if it had 13 years to think about flying around,it would have remembered the ShooDoor.
you’re the only person I know who’s measured the decibel level of cicadas
ooo, Melbourne meets District 9.
How about another caption competition???
you’re the only person I know who’s measured the decibel level of cicadas
when ur bored in melbourne, ur really bored.
Malach: What? Blog posts?
Casey: You know how it is when you’ve just woken up and and wandered out into bright light…
Nurse Myra: Of course. It will not surprise you to know that I’ve done it on more than one occasion and that I know a number of other people who have done so too!
Queen Willy: I haven’t seen District 9 – does someone get squished in a sliding door? Or is it very noisy?
Violet Towne: You just want a coffee mug. Well, you never know what Santa might bring…
din: Now now. And anyway, I measured them when I lived in Sydney.