Thu 15 Dec 2005
Name That Dune†
Posted by anaglyph under Signs
[6] Comments

My friend Rebecca snapped this in the desert in Namibia. I am very partial to an understatement rendered in relative permanency. Note the exclamation mark, and ponder for a moment, if you will, on what could possibly be intended by such a thing.
†Hey RaJ – is that an even worse pun than the last one?
At least Simple Graphics Man hasn’t done something stupid, for once.
Is that a Krupps coffee grinder to the right?
I think that exclamation point is SGM. He’s bent over – with his head in the ahem, Sand – because:
(1) the desert had turned to sea, and
(2) the ocean is a desert with its life underground.
Krupps… or a dessicated R2-D2?
And yes, it’s an even worse pun. Not that you need incorrigement.
Yall misst it!
Itsa rhtorical exclamation! Like a unintended ejackulation!
Yes, indeed Joey. I think you’re exactly right.
You’re so good at this stuff, that you should have an ‘Ask Joey’ column in your blog. No – wait. That’s my idea! (oops rhetorical exclamation mark! Damn, again… now I’m covered in the stuff…)… anyway, I’m going suggest that if anyone has any hard questions, send ’em on to me, I’ll send ’em on to Joey and he can answer them if he feels like it.
I mean, we have a GURU amongst us people. It’s time to don the orange baffrobes.
P.S. Im now coverd inna DIFFRENT kinda stuff! Yer parenthetickal made me shit meself!