Wed 22 Apr 2009
Meanwhile, Somewhere in Galilee…
Posted by anaglyph under Food & Drink, Religion
[14] Comments

Thanks for the fodder King Willy!
“… and DANG if I didnt jus find th Holy Grail!”
“WOW! Just like MOM used to toast!”
“This wine tastes like Herod’s piss though…”
“The least they could do was show my best side.”
Good one Rev!
The King
I once had a parsnip that looked like former Vice President Cheney. We ate it anyway.
looks more like a taco to me ;-)
Where are all th apostles?
Or is this th Lord in his dressin room, goin thru a quick rehearsal bfore th Las Suppr?
One of your down under sites cited this Kit Kat Jesus.
btw, Ultima Thule has selections from a mutual acquaintance on their Listen page. Wish he’d cut another musical cd. Maybe dude has and I’ve been out of the loop. Lots of socialism to protest these days.
Joey: I think Jesus has been at the Holy Grail a bit to frequently…
Atlas: I’m still waiting for someone to turn up Jesus on a Pop Tart.
JR: Well, that’s what you get when you meddle about turning one fluid into another without any scientific process.
headbang8: At least he could recognize it. Which is a damn sight better than the Kit Kat Khrist that John mentioned.
King Willy: Glad you liked it.
MI: Ew. How the hell did you know you were not eating the actual Dick Cheney? The parsnip had a better personality, I guess.
Nurse Myra: Seems you and Malach have been conspiring. I feel for you.
Joey: The apostles don’t like Mexican. They went out for fish & chips.
John: The Kit Kat Khrist is less than spectacular – it actually looks more like the image on the Turin Shroud than anything else, which means that it is a simulacra of a probable forgery.
As for that dude – well, you’re hearing his latest work on that show. He’d like to do a lot more, but that music thing doesn’t pay the bills, sadly.
May not pay the bills, but still awesome stuff. Entertainment’s a tough gig in any form, I’ve concluded.
I thank you for the compliment. Well, as it turns out, you may hear more of my work sooner than you thought! Stay tuned.
Looking forward to it!