Sun 28 Jun 2009
Leave Me Alone
Posted by anaglyph under Family Observations, Words
[40] Comments
Conversation yesterday between Viridian and Vermilion, on the topic of Michael Jackson’s autopsy:
Vermilion: The idea that they cut up Michael Jackson makes me feel kinda creeped out.
Viridian: Well, it’s not like he’s never been cut up before…
Th coroner coud “eighty-six”
Th scalpel and th snippr.
In one of MJs surgerys,
Hed had installd a zippr.
His whole life Jacko fought off age
As if he could defeat it
But when the Reaper’s scythe came down
Poor Michael couldn’t beat it.
Everybody singin’…
People often forget that the one thing we can all bet we have in common is our mortality.
And th closest we can evr come to beatin Death is to laff in its face while we still can.
As long as Gods been judgin souls,
There is no analog:
God sent Michaels back & kept,
Th Beatles Catalog.
Michael’s death’s caused a commotion
The music world’s filled with emotion
For doubts that now linger
About that new singer
Who’ll sing for Perpetual Ocean.
Michael Jackson’s death has marked
The ending of an era
At least there’s comfort in the fact
That we’ve still got Shakira.
I just hope Shakira hangs in there.
Hey! You beat me by an attosecond!!!!
Michael Jackson. We
saw your groovy red leather
Jacket. Thriller. Thrilled.
Is ‘groovy red leather jacket’ a euphemism for ‘sliced-open corpse’?
Thats so … ummm … so feral, Revrend!
Michael’s in the hot tub
With little boys in trouble
He wants to try and get them to
Go down and blow some bubbles.
Euphemism, me for mism. No pun intended.
Thats SO punny I frgot to ROFLMFAOski.
Leave it to Atlas to go right to the little boys!
Yeah. Accordin to THAT Atlas, all roads lead there.
It’s time someone threw the book at Polanski.
We ALL know who is th TRUE creator o that little gemski.
Well the OxyClean guy that helped keep him sparkl’n white died today to. “Billy Mays the OxyClean Pitchman, found today dead at age 50..” Coincidence…I don’t think so.
There is a connection here somewhere. And they are not done…more are going to be going down….oh yes, you wait and see. Whoever the crackpot tailor was who made Jackson his clothes, who I bet is also 50 will be next. And don’t ask me who “they” are…I’d have to kill you if I told you…that is as soon as I find out. I am sure though Dick Cheney is involved somehow. That or Cher’s Daughter…I mean son, Chaz.
This wine does not appear to be working very well.
Oh Malicious Intent, the wine seems to be working extremely well.
::crosses fingers::
Dr. Phil… Dr. Phil… Dr. Phil…
::crosses fingers::
Malach… Malach… Malach…
HUSH, Atlas!
Now WHAT numbr did he say to call?
I think there’s altogether too many mind-altering substances floating around the bloodstream of this post…
This is a church, though, right? Shouldn’t that be mind-altaring substances?
I am feeling so emotional today. Someone hold me. I just found out that Billy Mays was Malach’s Idol, and now I sad. I cannot sleep again. The Jesus juice is not working, again.
I want one of them God Cards so I can start my own religion and make everyone kill their offspring with a butter knife and then feel all nice and warm and cuddly about the world.
I broke a nail today and NO ONE gave me any wardrobe advice for my new hat except for Malach and it sucked!
Where is Peter Profit at, he loves me and surely will save my soul, or at least my wardrobe malfunction…wait….that was the other Jackson. *hick* More Jesus Juice.
And some Swedish crispbread please:
I jus read that Michael Jacksons final video projeckt included a cemetery scene.
Can I do th theremin this time, Revrend?
Wait, Jacko brought this on himself? Well, theremin lies the problem…
Atlas: I certainly have to lock up the altar wine, that’s for sure.
MI: Aaaagh! My eyes! Swedish Crispbread ANTIDOTE! Quick!
Joey: Oooooo. And twenty years ago MJ played a zombie in one of his videos! Coincidence?!!
Atlas: [Resists… hitting… delete… button…]
Oh, and Malicious Intent: No one can help you with your hat because the comments on your pre-blog don’t work.
You mean her doorbell gots no dong?
I was eating Knäckebröd (with cream cheese & vegemite) whilst watching the Knäckebrödsdansen. I claim my five pounds.
Atlas *hick* damn JIsm JuicE…mY PreBlugger Post worcs fine! Do you smell gasoline?
Yer probelmmmmmmm must be yer not abel to get into my BIG blog. PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Where is my wine glazzz?
Cowboy that Swedish Crispbread antidote sucked donkey rocks.
Dang.I actually read through all of the the comments here.
Shouldn’t I get a prize or something?
Your prize is Intellectual Enlightenment.