Thu 22 Oct 2009
Koffee Klutz
Posted by anaglyph under Cow Matters, Simple Graphics Man, TCA Shoppe
[13] Comments
The thought that occurred to me in the middle of the last post was, Faithful Acowlytes, that perhaps I was being a little shortsighted in so perfunctorily dismissing Simple Graphics Man as an appropriate mentor for the ‘lesser’ risks of a busy life.
To that end, I’ve stirred the elves in the Tetherd Cow Ahead Gift Shoppe from their hundred year slumber and I am pleased to announce the launch of the Tetherd Cow Ahead Simple Graphics Man™ Collection!
In these modern times, it’s not always easy to keep your wits about you every single minute, so who better to alert you to the perils inherent in your favourite caffeinated beverage than good ol’ SGM? These unique drinking vessels, handcrafted from the finest alabaster and lovingly detailed by skilled Nubian artisans are only suited to the discerning few. ((i.e. anyone with money)) A large mug will set you back $14.50 Australian, and the standard size a very reasonable $13.50. ((A little less than those numbers if you’re paying US dollars)) You know you can’t do without one – so don’t wait until you scald yourself again before forking out! Think of it as insurance!
Remember – Christmas is not far off – shop now to avoid disappointment! And you will, of course, be keeping Simple Graphics Man gainfully employed.

What are you waiting for? Go to the gift shop and spend some money!
13 Responses to “ Koffee Klutz ”
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[…] Funniest comment wins an awesome Simple Graphics Man coffee mug. […]
[…] don’t forget that you can now get your awesome Simple Graphics Man coffee mug from the Tetherd Cow Ahead Gift Shoppe – be the envy of your friends whilst simultaneously avoiding […]
Now I want a TCA-brand knife handle sleeve with “hold here” printed on it. Made from finest plastic.
I think a TCA-brand bar of soap with the words “do not use this side or these words will disappear” would sell well.
No blistrs? No disfigurment?
SGM got off easy here.
Cissy Strutt: And ‘Caution – SHARP’ on the blade.
Queen Willy: Or just simply ‘Slippery!‘
Joey: That’s the ‘Before’ shot. The results were too hideous for a coffee mug.
Now a SHAVIN mug!
THATs a job fer Simple Graphics Man!
Oh, so right you are!! Unfortunately CafePress doesn’t have one… dammit.
Damn, I don’t drink coffee
Shaving + SGM = DISASTER
Can you make a bike helmet labelled ‘Put On Head’?
How about SGM on a line of condoms?
Yknow … illustratin all th dangrs o ridin bareback.
Or an SGM line of saddles.
You know … Illustrating all the dangers of riding horseback.