Wed 3 Feb 2010
It’s Only Natural
Posted by anaglyph under Australiana, Bizarre, Daft Advertising, Laughs
[15] Comments

I… er… uh… eyes burning… so… many… things… wrong…
Snapped in the window of a camping supplies shop just up the road.
You’re kidding….
Please tell me this is from New Zealand.
Wow – I’ve been away so long my name’s been deleted!
Hey Duk!!! What up dude?
Yes, sadly it does appear that it might be a from series of ads for New Zealand company Icebreaker.
Here’s another one I found on a blog called The Worst of Perth (which you may find of interest, come to think of it!)
I think it’s more about the art director’s relationship to cocaine…
Or sheep dip.
It must have been a great casting session too: “Get me the biggest black guy you can find, and the smallest white girl. His upper arm should be thicker than her waist. I want to scare people…”
It’s a promotional poster for James Cameron’s MINOTAUR.
no words
Atlas: Hmm. I’m not convinced. No-one seems blue enough.
Queen Willy: But Queen Willy – it’s about our relationship to Nature, and to each other!
Wow, so many taboos! Interracial beastiality!
Why didn’t they choose a bovine of the mooish nature? At least the tagline could have been “Pure Bull”
Well, I had considered ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep-man’ but good taste got the better of me.
Perhaps this poster is representative of how Malach was conceived.
No – the parents are too attractive. And too normal, come to think of it.
At the same time NZ complains and yet trades on the reputation of sheep shagging. It’s like the right side of the brain doesn’t know what the left testicle is doing.
I guess the ad agency will claim that at least the ads get noticed. Of course there is the issue of whether the customer will really want to be associated with their product…