Fri 15 Feb 2008
Iz Disgize! Iz Purrfect!
Posted by anaglyph under Cats, Laughs
[15] Comments
Taped to poles at Melbourne University sometime this week:
The prevailing wisdom is that the posters were put up by a Japanese student who found the ‘cat’.
As Acowlyte Purple Dragon points out, the phone number on the poster is a 1900 number, which Telstra sells as a ‘Premium Rate’ number. This means that you are charged to ring the number.
I wonder how much they made from the scam…
In fact, it’s even funnier than I thought – I did a qualified search* on the number 1900 911 481 and found that it is a premium-rate number for the Australian Talking Clock! Hahaha! I bet those people are toasting their witticism at this very moment!
Photo courtesy of Student Liaison, University of Melbourne, via my friend Ali.
*Yeah, well actually calling the number was my last option. I was only going to give them my dime as a last resort.
Brave lad checked his gender.
If I give back diz cat to you, I can has a cheezburger?
Uh yeah.
looks like a high school art project
Cissy Strutt: Well, as you may have guessed, I’m a little skeptical that this is a genuine poster. The gender thing raises one suspicion, but the spelling and grammar seem a little too perfect to me. Ali thinks it’s real, as do university peeps she spoke to. I remain dubious.
Atlas: Even better! You can haz spamburger with pork spray!
MI: What, you don’t have cats over there?
nursemyra: Now there’s a possibility I hadn’t thought of…
The more I look at this the harder I laugh. Seriously, this is priceless.
Here in the states we just shoot each other at Universities
*howls with laughter*
That’s hilarious.
Waiiittt a minute… that’s a 1900 number. They’re not normal ones, they’re competition lines and the like. Yep, I tihnk it’s a hoax.
Purple Dragon: Ah….! Well spotted. I think that’s worth a Cow Medallion. The Cow Salutes You! Go here for the code, and wear it proudly!
Bastards even picked the highest paying option for the Australian Talking Phone. Wonder if some lazy fuck who’s supposed to be trying to convince students to spend money calling Australian Talking Phone who posted the sign and tossed a mean stray on campus instead.
The world is a sad sick place.
Not to many hobbies available to ya’ll there down under is there?
MI: Ah well, they’re university students, whaddya gonna do?
*wears code proudly*
This has just been circulated around the entire science faculty at UNSW as “a demo of why we should teach Australian biodiversity to students at UNSW!”