Sun 17 Oct 2010
iPads Will Kill You!
Posted by anaglyph under Gadgets, Idiots, In The News, Rant, Skeptical Thinking, Technology, Words
[34] Comments
That example par excellence of stellar journalistic accomplishment The Melbourne Age, tells us this morning that iPods and iPads are nothing less than the Typhoid Mary of the looming global apocalyptic pandemic. Well, they stop just short of putting it exactly like that, but it is hard to understand why they’re running an article headlined ‘Apple Store Teeming With Germs’, if not to warn good citizens about the looming plague.
Because they surely wouldn’t be doing it just to bash Apple…
The story, if you haven’t guessed, is that demonstration models of the abovementioned devices on display in Apple stores, can transfer germs from one prospective customer to another – a concept that seems to send the journalist responsible for this rubbish (one Asher Moses) ((Well, I guess he’s not entirely responsible. Like pretty much all modern journalism it’s just a story recycled from somewhere else – in this case, The New York Daily News.)) into virtual paroxysms of hand-wringing. The article give us all kinds of ominous facts and figures, with commentary by various and sundry ‘experts’, about how iGadgets in Apple stores (mentioned solely and specifically) are contaminated with various kinds of icky bacteria. It’s all so very ewwwwww. ((It’s hardly surprising that the bacteria mentioned are in evidence – they are among the most common on the planet.))
In a further attempt to give the story credence, Mr Moses happily goes on to conflate a completely separate dataset with his speculation. He breathlessly inform us that Britain’s Which? magazine, in consultation with a ‘hygiene’ expert, examined a sample of 30 (unnamed brand) mobile phones and found that:
…the average handset carries 18 times more potentially harmful germs than a flush handle in a men’s toilet.
Aside from the fact that a study like that (even if it is executed properly) is completely irrelevant to this story, ((Consider this – the flush handle in a men’s toilet is probably cleaned at least once a day, if not more frequently. It is NOT a good benchmark against which to measure anything except other things that get cleaned as frequently. It’s irrelevant in respect to phones (inasmuch as you could choose ANYTHING which doesn’t get cleaned much with which to compare it – tv remotes, say, or car keys) and it’s certainly meaningless in terms of iPads in Apples stores unless you have some kind of tangible link. This is a journalist using data recklessly and indiscriminately to attempt to add weight to an article that is lighter than The Zero.)) please to note the journalistic weasel word ‘potentially’ in that quote. Let me give you a Tetherd Cow Ahead rephrasing of that:
•Experts find that stairs are potentially life threatening!
•Experts find that water is potentially lethal!
•Experts find that newspapers are potentially dangerous to your mental health! (Oh wait. That’s true no matter how you look at it).
This stupid piece of scare-mongering fluff is a shining example of why I will be happy to see newspapers go the way of the town crier, and hopefully, their owners and editors hauled off by tumbrel. Honestly – what is the point of such a story?
Let me ask you, Mr Moses, why isn’t this piece about the thousands of other things that are touched by human hands in the course of a normal day? Like escalator handrails? Or lift buttons? Or money? Or salt shakers in McDonalds? Or ATMs? Or public phones? Or demonstration products belonging to other electronics goods retailers????
Could it be, perhaps, that the mileage you would get out of that might not be so… convenient… to your purpose of trashing a successful company that makes products that promise to be the biggest threat to your livelihood since the advent of television?

34 Responses to “ iPads Will Kill You! ”
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Eighteen times more germs on the average handset than you’ll find in a men’s toilet?
What, exactly, do folks DO in an Apple store?
Well they certainly don’t stick their heads (or other parts of their own anatomy) up their asses as much as journalists at The Age do.
Yeah, but, while I know that Apple fans like to gush over their gadgets, I never associated that gushing with what they do with their HANDS.
Perhaps, but it’s not the Apple fans you find in the stores, so much. It’s the switchers.
Well, having worked for the Murdochs I can confirm the PC bias throughout the empire. Having browsed the internet I can also confirm my lack of interest in ‘newspapers’ in general. Having read this post I can confirm aspects of the story are pitiful.
Having used my MacBook for several years I can also confirm that prolonged exposure is having serious effects on my health; the tips of my fingers now having turned a translucent grey colour, and if further confirmation is needed I feel a potentially lethal combination of germs may riddle the keyboard, screen and CPU itself.
In short having been exposed to life on this planet I feel potentially contaminated by all sorts of nasties, not just related to the biological world but in the realm of strange ideas, sensations and high energy particles.
Be warned all of you, exposure to life can be potentially lethal.
The King
I’d rather get germs from Apple products than bugs and viruses from PCs.
Asher Moses has no credibility anyway. remember that tweeting debacle about Matthew Johns?
Oh – I didn’t, but I looked it up. Yeah – not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Your mock-up memo from former Fairfax CEO David Kirk — he left that role in December 2008 — has a cc: to “Rupert Murdoch”. Are you suggesting some sort of anti-competitive conspiracy in operation between these two media enpires?
Moi? Suggesting the newspapers would stoop so low? Surely you jest!
Three points:
It was a silly piece.
It came from the SMH (if that makes a difference)
David Kirk hasn’t been CEO at Fairfax for ages
Sent from my germ-infested iPad
Oh, and yes, it WAS a silly piece. My point exactly. A stupid piece of idiotic non-news that befits a bank-fence gossip and not a newspaper. Whether it is the SMH/Age (they are just the same paper in different cities) or the New York Daily News is irrelevant – and is in fact my point. This scurrilous bad-mouthing is pathetic.
No, they aren’t doing it to bash Apple, they are abusing Apple as an easy target of sensational journalism.
Ah, there I think you’re wrong. Well, partially wrong anyway.
I think the Old Media pays lip service to the new technology but deep in their heart-of-hearts they know that Apple (and whomever else decides to challenge the supremacy of the Conduits) is ringing the bells of change. And make no mistake – they’re afraid.
And they don’t like Apple. For all its faults Apple represents something that goes deep against the grain of the push media – empowerment. And these old guys hate seeing someone like Jobs get it right so often, especially when it comes at their cost.
So, yes, a shiny glass-and-metal Apple store makes for a great ‘germ’ story – there’s no denying there’s some riding on coattails going on – but there’s also malice. I’ve seen it before – it’s what I call Prefect Hate. The kids in control despise anyone who steals the show without their imprimatur and will go to extraordinary lengths to re-establish the status quo.
Cool, my wife has one, and I got a good insurance policy
You better pray she didn’t get the Ebola upgrade.
Malach got elephantiasis from touching an iPad.
Coulda been worse.
Coulda been iPox.
So true Rev – I too have wondered why it is that the media feel the need to bash Apple so remorselessly, when they’re one of the few companies doing anything original or well-designed out there. Oh hold on, I’d get branded an ‘Apple fan-boy’ by them if I said that.
The other thing that amazes me is the continual reference to Apple hype, when in fact Apple don’t say a word about new products virtually right up until launch, and most hype is by the mainstream media (usually writing articles on how crap the thing is that they haven’t yet seen). Remember all the iPad bashing before its release?
The only consolation is seeing them all with egg on their faces when the product ends up more popular than Jesus.
Astonishing how so much vitriol is reserved for the only company with the guts to actually make something that changes old paradigms. As evidenced by the waves of blatant knock-offs that always follow from other so-called tech companies.
I do find it quite strange the way Apple products seem to be so loathed by hard core geeks and and people who only use their pcs for word processing alike. In the main, those who like Apple products tend to be people like us who use them to make music or design.
I have an hypothesis about it: the fact is, as much as I like what I can do with computers, I hate the computers themselves. I don’t like all the dicking around with code and the plugging in of gew-gaws and gadgets – for me a computer is just a means to an end. I want the tech to be as transparent as possible and I really don’t care how it works. I’m good at it, but only because I have to be.
I feel exactly this way about music – I like all the great tools and toys that I have access to, but I don’t much care for learning the gazillions of programming jags that I need for a new synth. In fact, some of the latest softsynths to come out are starting to incorporate ‘evolution’ tools – ways of making sounds that don’t require you learn any tech, just that you experiment until you find things that please you.
What I think is that geeky people who love the workings of gadgets and computers resent anything that makes it easier for the proletariat to use them. It’s their domain and it takes away their High Priest status. This phenomenon is particularly evident in IT departments. I’ve had some dealings with the IT department that runs the school where VT works and I know with absolute certainty that this is in play. They LIKE it that their domain is abstruse and complicated because it makes them feel special.
I’ll take that wager, Anaglyph. Fairfax design/art depts use Macs.
Dammit, I got too cocky. Even as I penned it I knew someone would call me on it.
But the design department doesn’t write the articles, however, nor draw the paychecks…
Meanwhile, for a laugh, iPhone lovers (of whom I am one) should check out:
Got a bitly link for that Doug? It just took me to a page of YouTube vids, no direct link.
Sorry. Search “iPhone4 vs HTC Evo” and watch the cartoon/clip that’s had 9.4m views. Brilliant. You’ll be saying “I don’t care” to everyone all day.
I don’t care.
On a more serious note, I’m sure that’s what every geek on the planet thinks, but I’ve played with an Evo and I have only two words to say: operating system.
Hardly anyone seems to understand what the single most significant strength of Apple stuff is – the operating system. Gadget nerds don’t seem to get the idea that very few people care how these things work. All they want is something that does stuff easily. They want the toaster of computers or phones. Like I said above – I’m a geek as far as these things go and I don’t care about how they work. For me, they’re just enablers. I hate it when the tech gets in the way of the enabling. I just want to do stuff, not work out how to do stuff.