She, actually, and it’s not theft – teh internets are one big free-for-all and what goes around… I have no problem at all with people quoting my stuff. In fact, it’s kinda flattering…
I’ve seen the Jason Beghe interviews. Whilst I applaud the forthrightedness of ex-members of Scientology who come out publicly against it, it still bothers me that they were stupid enough to fall for such a goofy pile of utter hogwash in the first place.
Ooooooo, I want to play along, too.
Go ahead
Better make it three, Pil.
Kinda makes ya wondr why celebration of a saint is calld a feast.
“Soup suppr” seems far more fitting.
BLASPHEMY! Xenu will not be happy!
I’m already on it, King.
I see, yes Triceratops’ saddle would suit you nicely!
The King
Atlas: LOL Saintz my man. There’s already enough LOL Jesus on teh nets to sink a fishing boat.
Joey: Saints are also good in a pie, I’ve heard…
Malach: I don’t see how Xenu even cares. Do you have some kind of comment generator that scans a post for subject and then leaves a banal comment?
I can haz Saints?
I can hear Xenu?
The King
How about lolangels ?
Atlas: That joke probably plays better to you Yanks.
King Willy: Shouldn’t that question be a statement?
Azahar: Um, yes, that seems strangely familiar…
Ahahaha! He stole your image and then linked back to your own blog – without realizing it! HAHAHA!!! Priceless.
She, actually, and it’s not theft – teh internets are one big free-for-all and what goes around… I have no problem at all with people quoting my stuff. In fact, it’s kinda flattering…
But it is amusing, I’ll agree.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! That’s fabulous. Thanks Azahar for a big laugh.
You surprise me Rev, can any sentence about Xenu be a statement really? (Hah, note that question mark!)
I watched all 8 of these last night, why I dunno, perhaps Xenu impelled me?
The King
I’ve seen the Jason Beghe interviews. Whilst I applaud the forthrightedness of ex-members of Scientology who come out publicly against it, it still bothers me that they were stupid enough to fall for such a goofy pile of utter hogwash in the first place.