Mon 16 Nov 2009
In the On the Origin of Species
Posted by anaglyph under Books, Ephemera, Religion, Science, Skeptical Thinking
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I was browsing in a local shop the other day and I noticed a pile of these curious volumes. It looks like a book, right? But no, dear Acowlytes – it’s a cunning ploy to make you think it’s a book. It’s actually a box in which you can hide your valuables!
Brilliant! I’m going to get one of these tomorrow – it will totally solve my problem with illiterate thieving Creationists! ((It will only work on the illiterate ones – the literate ones will spot the title blunder instantly)) And just to really screw with them, I’m going to hide all my fossils in it!
I want one, to hide my dried up feces I collect
You collect dried-up faeces, Malach? Who could have predicted that?
Of course he does. Where do you think he gets all his blogging and commenting inspiration from?
I hope that volume is followd by Th De-Scent of Man.
hmmm, it depends when that tome was published, Rev.
I am resisting going to Wikipedia, and instead trying to use my noggin (almost entirely unaccessed since 1999).
I believe that the original edition was called On the Origin of Species, but subsequent editions have all been called The Origin of Species.
I am scared to post this without googling, but… Yes! I will rely on my little grey cells!!!
It could be that your intruder will be wise to the difference, calculate the age of the book with a passing glance, and leave it unmolested.
Joey: too clever!
Yes, but none of them have been called ‘Charles Darwin and The Origin of Species’. Maybe that was how Darwin was billed when his band played, but not on his book.
Queen Willy – didn’t the person who robbed your house steal a copy of the OED?
Do you just attract a better class of criminal than the rest of us?
I collect empty whisky bottles. I’d need a bigger book.
In my Darwin book-box I hide my shameful lineage.
I gots some distant ancestors that were some pretty ugly mothrfuckrs.
I got th edition wit th Special Introduction by Ray Comfort …
… which prhaps oughtta be re-titld Th Origin of Specious.
1. I want one badly.
2. I used to think criminals were inherently stupid people. Like, too dumb to know how to earn money, consumerize, etc. Then I had my collection of CDs stolen. Thrown on the seat were my Nirvana boxed set, some moronic Train album, a Toby Kieth CD, and I want to say some NIN.
Except for the Nirvana, none of the CDs left were mine, but my former wife’s. Missing was my complete collection of Bach’s Cello Concerto, a collection of Library of Congress folk recordings and one Ivashkn Alexandr.
Now I have visions of this violinist down on his luck rifling through cars with the windows down a little too far seeking out things he can trade to his black market cellist/pimp for smack.
3. They make full whiskey bottles? The hell you say!
Joey: If you rip out the first 50 pages of the Ray Comfort version you get a masterpiece and some complimentary toilet paper! Bargain!
1. If you have been nice, and not naughty this year, you never know what Santa may bring!
2. No-one would care if criminals had crap taste and just stole the things you didn’t want.
3. I know. Hard to believe.