Sat 19 May 2007
I Live In a Stupid Country…
Posted by anaglyph under Australiana, Politics, Stupidity
[16] Comments
…and I apologize to the world on behalf of many of us who are embarrassed at the behaviour of the intellectual vacuum that is our government.
This week the Australian Federal Minister for Immigration, Kevin Andrews, formally announced the introduction of the Australian Citizenship Test, colloquially known as the Aussie Values Test. I’ve spoken about it before on The Cow, but I had hoped that it would just evaporate back into the Formless Void of Moronic Ideas from whence it originally came.
Not so it seems.
Basically it works like this: soon, if you apply for citizenship in Australia, you will be asked a set of 20 questions (chosen from a possible list of 200) that define the proper values you would need to embrace to be accepted into this country.
This whole idea is odious and small-minded and speaks right to the undercurrent of racism that flows just beneath the surface of uneducated Australia. It says, to put it into simple language: “We don’t want you here unless you’re like us, and hold the same ideas as us”.
But who is this ‘us’? Yes, you guessed it, ‘us’ is White, middle-class, Judeo-Christian, heterosexual, television-watching consumers.
I submit for your consideration some of the questions that ‘might’ be asked in this test, according to Minister Andrews:
1. What sports are played in Australia
2. Are Australian values based on the Koran, the Judeo–Christian tradition, Catholicism or secularism?
3. Which of the following are Australian values? A: Men and women are equal; B: A fair go; C: Mateship; D: All of the above
4. Who was the first Prime Minister of Australia?
5. What is Australia’s national flower?
6. Who is Australia’s Head of State?
7. How long have the indigenous aboriginal population lived on the Australian continent?
These questions can be roughly divided into three categories: Irksome, Stupid and Irrelevant.
Few people would know or understand why the answer to question 6 is: ‘Queen Elizabeth II of England’, and how this has relevance to Australian citizenship. Question 1 and 5 are plainly daft and prove nothing at all, and question 2 is just offensive (it may as well say ‘Don’t bring your foreign religions here Sajid’). I doubt that ninety percent of fourth generation Australians would know the answer to question 4.
And question 3. I cringe. The answer is, if you didn’t get it, ‘All of the above’, but the question is so banal, mindless and hypocritical that I really want to biff the person who made it up. And biffing would have to constitute a fairly well-held Aussie Value.
Men and women are equal? Then why does the major religious organization of Australia, the Roman Catholic Church, deny women the right to participate equally with men in all aspects of the church?
A ‘fair go’? Not if you’re an immigrant seeking political asylum, or a disenchanted and exploited worker. Or a telco trying to compete with the monopoly of Telstra over the Australian telecommunication infrastructure. Or a customer trying to get service, for that matter.
Mateship? Not if it’s politically or ethically difficult.
And speaking of hypocritical… what, exactly, is the point of question 7? If it’s to emphasize that the Aboriginal people have been here longer than us, then why does the current government repeatedly and stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the rights of those people?
This country is full of dumb greedy people getting dumber and greedier.
Here are some questions I guarantee won’t be in the Aussie Values test:
1. Name one Australian scientist.
2. How much water does it take to maintain an average Australian suburban lawn?
3. Out of 171 states, territories and countries around the world, only two have not ratified the Kyoto protocol. One is the USA. Who is the other?
4. Name any Australian play.
5. Which country in the world produces more carbon dioxide per capita than any other?
6. President George Bush is Prime Minister Howard’s: A: Best Buddy; B: Intellectual equal; C: Favourite dinner party conversation topic; D: All of the above.
7. Australian troops went to fight a war in Iraq because: A: The majority of Australians wanted it; B: John Howard ‘took an executive decision’ and overruled all the tenets of a democracy because he knows what’s good for us; C: They had nothing else to do; D: the political situation in the Middle East was critically and significantly important to a minor country on the other side of the world.
Time to get my brit passport back out.
Actually look on the bright side. You wrote about this, I read it. Probably know a fair few people here who would all think these citizenship test ideas to be the bollocks that it is. Sometimes I find living here means ignoring that undercurrent of aggressive ignorance and tribalism that seems so common. Why are people so threatened I wonder?
Well, yeah, there are a lot of people who don’t think like that, but a SCARY number who do… including the people who run the country.
Time for a change….
Wow- this has us beat in the Obnoxious Dept., which is very hard to do these days. I cringe to think what the Bushies could come up with. Nobody mentioned this to The Dickhead when he was over there, did they?
But back to the test, I’m a bit confused between “Judeo-Christian” values and “Catholicism”. Over here that question would reflect the longstanding belief among American Fundi Protestants that Catholics are not actually Christians. Is that what they’re getting at, or is it something else?
Colonel: Let me illustrate this with a joke.
A man goes to Heaven and is greeted by St Peter at the Pearly Gates. The man says: “St Peter, I have to confess, I was an atheist in life and I don’t really deserve to be here because I never believed in any of this”.
St Peter says: “Don’t worry about it, there’s no problem, we have all types here. Let me take you on a tour.”
They go in through the Gates and enter a beautiful garden. There are a group of guys in robes playing basketball down the way.
“Who are those guys?” asks the atheist.
“Oh, they’re Buddhists” says St Peter.
They walk a little further, and the man sees some people with turbans playing chess.
“What about them” he asks.
“Oh, they’re Sikhs,” says St Peter.
Another group is throwing frisbee on the lawn.
“And they’re Muslims,” St Peter adds, “And the group over there on the Segways are Sufis”.
All the while the two men are walking alongside a very high brick wall, and the atheist is finally moved to ask:
“St Peter, I can’t help but notice this high wall that seems to run all the way through Heaven. What’s that all about?”
“Ah,” says St Peter “Behind that wall is where we keep the Catholics” He leans in close and whispers to the atheist: “They like to believe they’re the only ones here…”
My first thought in reading this was, “Please gOd, don’t let our guys hear about this. We don’t want them getting any new dumb ideas. We’ve got enough of the old dumb ideas.”
I suppose it should make me feel better that the ol’ US of A has competition in the stupidest government category, but really, it doesn’t.
Oh, and in our version of that joke, it’s the Baptists who think they’re the only ones there.
And the image of Sufis on Segways will probably make me smile all day.
So, can I count on you to help me study? I meet all the requirements except the Christian part. Am I completely screwed?
I just read a tasty bit last night along the “heaven” lines: “Bertrand Russell was asked what he would say if he died and found himself confronted by God, demanding to know why Russell had not believed in him. ‘Not enough evidence, God, not enough evidence,’ was Russell’s reply.
thankfully my citizenship came through last week (yes, I’m an aussie now!).
because I would have failed that questionnaire abysmally.
what is sport?
Phoebe Fay: Apparently Canada and the UK have the same kind of dumb ideas. Probably the US doesn’t do this because they don’t understand how there could be values other than Good Ol’ Yankee ones.
(The Sufis on Segways was my embellishment so I’m glad it made you laugh)
jmf: Yep, you’re completely screwed. You would fall at question #2: Are you a heathen?
Catalyst: I would amend it to ‘Not ANY evidence, God…’
nursemyra: Sport? Yes exactly. And welcome to the Club! Now meat pies and beer will taste completely different to you!
Hear hear Rev. Hear bloody hear!
I love the Cow. It’s the only place I know that makes me laugh my arse off at what would otherwise be terminally depressing truths.
Thank you all :)
“Sufis on Segways” AHAHAHAHAHA…..
Burning with shame (and a little bit of fury) before breakfast. Thankfully I have the Cow and Cow readers to put an amusing face on it.
All this means is that we’ll soon have a country chock full of marginalised permanent residents who can’t vote. Now that’s a recipe for a peaceful society if I ever heard one…
What I fail to understand is, when there seem to be so many of us enraged & horrified by such BS, how come these things get passed??
I blame a lot of the undercurrents in redneck radio talkback. Have you heard any of that lately? I makes me want to vomit. My husband listens occasionally, & the man who painted our house, had it on all day!
You are right.
Time for a change!
You haven’t given dear ol’ Kev his proper title…he’s the Minister of DIC – Dept of Immigration and Citizenship! They like to call it DIAC. Education is the domain of Julie Bishop – she of the insane eyes and poor attempts at flirtation with journalists – it’s cringeworthy. Oh lord……………..a change…….pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
DIC/DIAC used to be DIMIA – Dept of Immigration, Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs – no more cultural diversity – we are all ‘citizens’. Did I mention I hate the fuckers?
Ooops… yr right – twas a slip of the writing, I did actually know his portfolio…
Thanks for the point out – fixed.
And I hate the fuckers too. Did I mention that yet?
Not trying to correct you, I wanted to point out the ridiculous acronym + that they changed the dept name to fit with the reversion to an assimilation agenda and come up with an acronym like DIC……small justice + cheap thrills I know. Then there was a quick scramble on the day of the announcement to say it’s DIAC not DIC…..shades of some kind of Eastern bloc communist period farce?