Sun 15 May 2005
I Heart Bottles
Posted by anaglyph under Signs
[8] Comments
Searching Google for “I Hate Bottles” reveals that the phrase stencilled on the churchyard wall (Tetherd Cow, April 21 2005) most likely originates from an episode of Matt Groening’s ‘Futurama’. Another mystery explained… sort of…
The dirt here: [Link]
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While we’re on the subject, where the hell did this “I heart” business come from? Truly, even in a world overrun by exponential linguistic degeneracy, this ridiculous little piece of fadishness has had its time. Begone, stupid expression! I heart, my arse!
I feel the “I heart” phrase reached its apotheosis in the lavatory graffito “I heart girls’ vaginas” (seen in the Mens dressing shed at Cook & Phillip Park)
I feel the phrase “I heart girls’ vaginas” is tautological, unless the writer was concerned that he/she needed to make the distinction between girls and, say, sheep. But I don’t really want to go there…
While we’re on the subject, surely (don’t call me Shirley) that Cook and Phillip Park logo is one of the crappiest examples of logo design in Sydney, don’t you think? What a bastardized hodgepodge of styles it is!
… and why Cook & Phillip. Surely those guys have enough stuff named after them. Or have I missed the point, and they were regardsed as the Thorpe & Hackett of their day?
While we’re on the subject, Ian Thorpe! Bloody Ian Thorpe! Fear not, ThorpieShmorpie is getting a new aquatic centre named after him (I forget where) – that and twenty or so schools I imagine. OK, OK, the guy can swim. But can we start giving a little attention to someone else now? And as for that pearl male jewellry range … well, don’t get me started …
Go on, do get started … what about the pearly male jewellry range??